Bonus: Movie night

Start from the beginning

Senku chuckled. "It works."

You guys cheered as you guys were happy that the rocket finally worked. Yuzuriha giggles as Taiju yells like a mad man. You laugh as you unconsciously hug Senku. Senku's body stiffened as you hugged him but what made him confused was the way you were hugging him. True you guys were celebrating but your hug was more as if you were trying to hold on to him like he was leaving or something.


You snap back to reality and notice what you were doing. Part of you didn't want to let go but you saw Senku's body language and thought he was uncomfortable. After all, you knew he didn't like physical touch and you usually asked before you could.

"Oh, sorry," you said softly as you let go of him. "I was just really excited."

"No you're good," Senku reassured.

His eyes narrowed a bit as he noticed you gave him that painful-forced smile again. He was confused as to why you were forcing a smile. But he didn't know the first thing about comforting someone. What are you supposed to do?

Do you buy them something? Do you hear them rant? Are you supposed to touch them in any way like a hug or something? Do you tell them to suck it up? What exactly do you do?!?!

"Well I gotta get going, I have my physical exam today," you stated. "Get me the notes Yuzuriha?"

"Of course," Yuzuriha said with a smile.

"Cool. Thanks," you said. "See you guys later."

You gave a little wave and walked away. Taiju and Yuzuriha sat down and ate their lunches with the little time they had left. Senku simply went back to where the rocket launched to put the stuff away. But he still was still thinking about you. He wanted to know what was bothering you.

But the thing that he really wanted to know why was this was bothering him.


You were sitting in your room reading the Twelve Labors of Hercules. Well, more like just staring at the book since you couldn't really focus. You had a ton of work to do with school and the culture festival but you honestly had zero motivation. Due to all your sadness, your body got tired and now you just had zero motivation to do anything. You just wanted to lay down on your bed and do nothing.

You then heard a buzz and turned your head to see your phone screen light up. You grab it and see you got a text message from Senku. You were a bit caught off guard since he rarely texts and really only texts if he needs help.

You unlock your phone and read the message

Big Brain Scientist🚀: Hey y/n, you mind coming over my house real quick?
(Senku's contact name on your phone)

You sighed as you figured he needed some help with an experiment. Usually you'd be down but you honestly didn't want to since you had zero energy.

Amazon Princess🍡: Sorry, I can't.
(Your contact name on Senku's phone)

You were about to put your phone away when you saw three dots appear followed by a text.

Big Brain Scientist🚀: Please. I really need to talk to you.

You were a bit taken back since he just said 'please'. In all the years you knew Senku, he's really only said places in a bit of a mocking tone. Also, he never asked you more than once to help him. Unlike others, if you say you can't/don't want to help, he respects it and moves one but it was rare for you to say that anyways. So the please and asking you a second time makes it seem like he genuinely wanted you to come over. You feel a warm feeling in your chest by that one text. You sighed as you texted back.

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