And with that, Lucien and Eris bid farewell, and Lucien watched as his eldest brother winnowed away. Waiting no more than five minutes, Lucien winnowed to the Night Court to let Rhysand and Feyre know to expect a visit from his father, or at least one of his father's officials. And to expect his father to place spies around in case his mother were to show up.

It had been a month since Lucien had been announced son of Day, and had seen Eris. When he had finally returned from the Night Court after his meeting with his brother, Helion, annoyed, yet concerned, demanded to know where Lucien had been and why he just left.

After Lucien had finally told Helion that Eris knew who he was, and had for a few weeks, and had been working on a plan to get their mother out of the Autumn Court so she would be safe when the news inevitably came out, Lucien noticed the immediate regret on Helions face.

Lucien quickly reassured the male, though, letting him know that he and Eris had come up with a last-minute plan, and his mother was free and safe. That she was in a place Beron would not look to find her. He did not include, though, that he had no way of knowing if his mother actually did make it to his human friends house safely or not.

He kept telling himself that Eris was great at these sorts of things. If anyone could manage to get their mother out safely, it was him. Their mother was safe. Living with humans, yes. But she was safe.

But it had been a month, a whole month with nothing having happened yet. He was growing concerned. When his fath- When Beron kept quiet after things so large as this, it was usually never good. Why hadn't he done anything yet.

If Lucien were Beron, he would have taken this as an act of war. Would have seen this as Helion stealing his son, holding him captive, against his will. Despite Lucien being Berons' least favourite, he would have used this to finally have the war against Helion he's been wanting for centuries. So why hasn't his father made a move?

"No one's come to see my sister or Rhysand." Lucien heard from behind him. Turning around, Lucien made his way towards his friend and hugged her. To hell with the bond and the glowing charged reaction it gave to the hug. To hell with her hesitation to the bond even. Lucien hadn't seen anyone in a month and had been alone with his thoughts, his worries. He was too afraid to go anywhere, too afraid to step outside even, in case he was followed.

"Lucien," Elain said, his name almost a plea from her lips. Concern in her tone. And shockingly, she hugged him back. The bond was charged, and it glowed bright, and fluttered and swirled, flew around in his chest. It was the most alive it had ever been.

He was ignoring it all, though, and it seemed as though Elain was too. Lucien couldn't care less about their bond right now or what it was wanting. Right now, he was soaking up as much comfort as he could. All the fear from the last month had crashed down in him the second he heard her voice.

Suddenly, his head was lifted up, and he was looking at his mate, his friends face, looking her in her brown fawn eyes as she told him that none of his fathers men had been by to see them.

"But Eris' men have."

That sentence caught Lucien off guard, and he pulled back from the embrace fully to get a good look at Elain, trying to figure out what she meant.

"Don't you remember? I told you the day you came over that everything would be alright, even if it didn't seem like it?" Elain asked, though Lucien truly did not remember.

It was then that Helion walked in with a piece of paper in his hand that bore the sigil of the Autumn Court. He greeted Elain, as though it was perfectly normal to see her with Lucien, alone in his room, before he turned to Lucien, telling him that it seemed their reasons to worry has come to an end.

His confusion must have been written on his face, as Helion then handed the letter over for Lucien to read.

To the High Lords, and Lady, of Prythian.

Allow me to start this letter out by stating that the former High Lord Beron is unfortunately no longer with us. He has indeed died.

Next, the latest rumour you have heard of my youngest brother Lucien is true. He was not my father's son. But this fact does not strip him of the fire of the Autumn Court pulsing through his veins. My mother is still his mother. I am still his brother.

Lucien has both the fire of the Autumn Court, as well as the light of the Day Court running through his veins, and with him, the fued between our courts can come to an end.

My father died, out of defence for my mother. I tried to get her to safety but did not get to in time. I was forced to kill my father to protect my mother. After he died, I felt the High Lords magic pass on to me.

I am the new High Lord of the Autumn Court. I will not run this court as my father did. I aim to rebuild the relationships amongst my court and yours. Please accept the gift given, alongside this letter, as an apology for all the hardships my father has given over his years as High Lord.

I look forward to working alongside each of you.

Eris Vanserra.

Lucien finished reading the letter and looked towards Elain and the Helion. Who would read this, and how much of Prythian would see this news confirmed had they not already heard it by word of mouth?

"These letters only go out to the High Lords of Prythian. So only the seven - the eight of us have seen it, and after the two of you, that makes ten. It will remain that way." Helion answered Luciens questions as though he could see them written on his face.

Lucien then found himself looking towards Elain while whispering to himself, not wanting to believe it, as it didn't feel true yet. "He's really gone."

Elain simply nodded. With a small smile, she repeated her words from before. "Everything will be alright, even if it doesn't seem like it."

Elain then took Lucien by the arm, leading him out of his room, towards the main door. Her insistence and rush to get there was confusing him, but when they got to the door, Elain opened it, just in time to see his brother standing on the other end, hand raised as if he were about to knock.

Lucien couldn't help the smirk at the look of shock on his brothers face, clearly not used to Elain just knowing things. But to be fair, Lucien still wasn't fully used to it either.

The smirk didn't last long, though, because behind Eris was a female. A female Lucien had not seen since his time under the mountain. A female he had not spoken to in even longer. A female he would instantly recognize no matter how long it had been.

Elain, having let go of Luciens' arm for this reason, and Eris having stepped out of the way, Lucien stepped towards the female, almost in a daze.

Lucien hadn't heard Helion enter the room or the reaction the male had upon the scene in front of him. His whole focus was on the female standing in front of him. Even the bond, which was begging for the physical contact again, was not strong enough to tear Luciens' attention away from the female.

It wasn't until the female lifted her hand up to Luciens' cheek that he realized he had started crying. She rubbed tears out of the way before pulling Lucien into a hug.

After many, many, many years of being forced apart, forbidden to speak to each other under the mountain, a mother and her son were finally reunited.

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