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Jimmy's pov

"Ughhhh why is it monday already?" Hi i'm jimmy solitary shadow. But just call me jimmy or jim enyways i hate mondays the only thing good about them is that i can see him my...crush scott some times i wonder how he got so hot? No he's more than hot he's hmm very hot yeah that describs scott perfectly and the thing is we would be dating if it werent for his no good brother xornoth damn why do i kinda sound like i'm a disney villin "jim you comming we are going to be late for school" i hurry to go down stairs were i see lizzy with her boyfriend jole "finally"she said as we left for the bus because jole can't swimm as fast as us sad i know. We arived at school and i emidietly go over to my friends sausage,fwhip and scott yes i am frends with him.

Scott's pov

I wached as fwip and sausage flirt with echother and imagin that they were me and jimmy god how i love that fish wait does that make me a furry no fish don't have furr but what am i? I got it im a skaylly yeah pff that just sounds stupid "hey guys" i hear that soft and sweet voice of jimmy's god why is he so cute "hi jim" i say with a smile on my face.

Jimmy's pov

"Hi jim" scott said in his deap but atractiv voice god he's so hot "how are you?" I ask "fine just waching these two love birds flirt with echother." He said in a kinda enoyed tone "hey jim didn't see you there" fwhip said wich made me giggle. Sausage was about to say something when the bell rang my first class is oceanoligy with lizzy because we are ocean hybrids it would be nice to have sombody else there but it's just me and lizzy oh well i say bye to my frends and leve to go to class."hello class" the techer said i don't know why she says that when it's only me and my sister enyways she starts the lesson with some thing we already know so i just ignore her and look at the clook you see the teacher knows that the techer in our next class is well a dick so she wants to let us out exactly on time only problme we don't have a bell ringing inbetwenn lessons. Why i don't know its dumb enyways i have to continiue pretending to lisen to the teacher "oh it looks like you have one minute to get to you're next class" she said as we leve to go to mr. Jonsen's class.

Scott's pov

I walk into hybrids class(i only added this becaus its in every empirs smp high school au soo) to see jimmy and lizzy already there i guss the teacher let them go one minute or two bevor class ended i sit down next to jimmy and he smils at me even his smile is adorabal he is jenuintly adorable. Yep i'm definetly a simp oh well i asked him if he wanted to hang out on friday and he said yes you already know i'm turning it into a date enyways joey and my brother(why was there a bread emoji once i wrote that like what???) xornoth came in  i dislike that parot hybrid i don't know what gives him the audasity to date my brother. And then the rest of the class came in yay. And here comes mr.asshole what? Everbody hates him i don't know what you were expecting. Enyways after that lesson we had lunch not really like you are forced to go outside but luckly the break wasn't that long i just hid behind the gym because i don't really like the other emperors exept for jimmy,xornoth,fwhip and sausage. I heard a crack wich quickly made me snap back to realety "hey scott" said someone i turnd around to see jimmy. We chated for awile befor the "bell" rang so we quickly ran inside

--timeskip brougt to you by my lazzy ass

Finaly the last lesson of the day sadly one without jimmy. But it's flying class wich i always get an A+ on and did i menthon that we're "writing" a test today yeah i didn't think so eny ways it is my turn now oh boy "very good scott like always" the techer miss.wing said. Then finally the bell an actuall bell rang and we got to go home yay. Enyways on our way back to rivendell then jimmy came wich supriesed me i mean our kingdoms are very far from eachother soo yeah. He wanted to join us untill we got to the gate wich he did actually do bevor getting called over by lizzy and jole the "best power cupple" in this school. Enyway we took flight and also said our good byes to our friends. I'm not going to lie i was thinking of jimmy the whole flight back so bevore long we arrived and i emidetly ran up to my room and did my homework and then wathing some tv once i was done with my homework and let me tell you school is hella long so i basicly also rote in my diary tho that was at 1p.m so yeah i don't know if that counts but i have to right in it every day or it isn't a diary so ther was that. Then i hade the stupid idea of watching more tv why is that a stupid idea you may be wondering well at exactly 12a.m wenn the tv tuns on it makes a loudand wierd noise that scares me every time for no good reason so i was caught by my parents soo now i'm grounded only for today tho because i'm the Favorit i know that because they only pay atention to xornoth wenn he does something bad someting about him being the Champion of exore. Enyway (yes i don't know why i put so many "enyways"here but i did) so after that little rant in my head i emidetly went to bed.
------------------------------------------------------------soo i hope you like this also i am german so please give me corrections if i spelled enything wrong.

Bye,bye now
Worde count:1067 yayy

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