Week One, Thursday

Start from the beginning

    Ayano smiles. “Perhaps.”

    Osano scoffs. “Aya, if you’re good enough to be a lead, he has no choice. Kizano may be arrogant, but he’s not blind.”

    “Are you coming to that play as well?” Ayano asks, curious.

    “Well, I mean, I have nothing better to do, so…” Osano looks at her and his face softens. “Yeah, I’ll watch you perform.”

    Ayano smiles at that. She opens her mouth to speak, but an excited greeting cuts her off.

    “Ayano!” Kokona waves at her from the front of the school. “Come on! We’re hanging out in the Drama Club room right now!”

    Ayano looks to Osano and Taro, and they smile and wave her off.

    Kokona happily drags Ayano to the club room. The others are all there, looking through costumes.

    “Kokona, Ayano, come on in,” Tsuruzo calls as he looks between two shirts. “We’re finding our costumes for the play.”

    Kokona beams and heads over to a rack covered in dresses. “Ayano, this is one of the best parts in drama, after the actual acting of course!” She quickly sifts through dresses, searching for the perfect one.

    Ayano just stands next to her. “How do I know what I should wear?”

    “Just ask yourself what your character would want to wear. Would she want to look nice? Does she care about what others think? Oh, and if the play takes multiple days, you should wear different outfits if you can!”

    Next to them, Riku speaks. “I read the script, and Jinx seems to have three different days, so three outfits should be fine.”

    Ayano ponders this as she slowly inspects each piece of clothing. Her character starts without emotions, but if Alonso is so quickly drawn to her, then she should probably look nice. The second instance could be plain, and the third should wow the audience.

    With this in mind, Ayano quickly pulls three outfits together. The first is a black skirt with a light purple top. The second is simply a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. The third is a black dress that reaches Ayano’s ankles.

    “Wow, Ayano, you have an eye for this!” Kokona says, looking over Ayano’s choices. “You’re going to look wonderful!”

    Shozo walks over and agrees. “The audience is going to be captivated by you. Great job, Ayano.”

    He walks away, and Kokona gives Ayano a look that screams, ‘ I told you that he’s into you. 

    The bell for class rings before Ayano can figure out how to say, ‘ He really isn’t and I don’t care either way ,’ with her eyes, so she just shrugs and walks to her class.

    Mrs. Rino is quick to assign plenty of work for her students, but says that they can work with a classmate until lunch. Osano quickly pulls his chair over to Ayano’s desk.

    The two work quickly, and they talk quietly as they breeze through their tasks. Occasionally, Osano asks Ayano for help, but they mainly just talk about other classes.

    It’s near the end of the class period, when both of them are done, that Osano starts to get fidgety.

    “Hey, Aya?” Osano starts, and Ayano sets down her script and looks at Osano. He pauses.

    “Yes, Osano?”

    “Want to go with me to the movies after school? Not like a date, but I have a leftover ticket from a friend who cancelled on me! I just don’t want to waste the money, and-”

    “What movie?” Ayano asks, cutting him off.

    “Ah, um, Tide ? Have you heard of it?”

    She has. “A romantic comedy?”

    Osano turns red. “Yeah, why? Is there something wrong with that?”

    Ayano shrugs. “No. I’ll go with you.”

    Osano seems to wait for more, but Ayano doesn’t know what it is. So she just goes back to reading her script.

    Soon, the lunch bell rings, and Saki quickly comes by the classroom to steal Ayano away.

    “So,” Saki says as she drags Ayano into the Cooking Club room. “I heard you joined drama? What about us?”

    Ayano smiles. “I figured I could do both? I’m officially signed up for drama, but I’m sure I can take time here as well. Once a week minimum, correct?”

    Saki nods. “So you’re joining us, too?”

    Ayano agrees, and soon enough she’s given a light pink bandana that she can wear to signify that she’s in the Cooking Club. She spends the rest of lunch making octodogs and handing them to classmates, fulfilling her weekly requirement for club time.

    Afternoon classes are just like the morning, and Osano seems more flustered than usual as he works beside Ayano. When the day ends, Osano reminds her to meet him by the gate after club time.

    Drama flies by, and the other drama members are impressed that Ayano already has a third of her lines down. Before Ayano realizes, it’s time to meet up with Osano.

    He’s more impatient than usual as he waits for her, pacing as he mutters to himself. But he calms once Ayano arrives.

    The walk to the theater is quiet.

    The movie is okay.

    Osano leads Ayano out of the theater, pulling her by the hand this time.

    When they get to her house, Osano leans closer as she says goodbye. Ayano, confused, just stares blankly.

    “Well, uh, see you tomorrow, Aya,” Osano finally gets out, and walks away before Ayano closes the door.

    Ayano wonders if he liked the movie. Then she sleeps.

Sorry that i left you all waiting for so long😭

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