Chapter 17 (Crimson)

Start from the beginning

We were close but then we saw that the Materax are starting to attack. Then Shadow got a call to flee but a Materax, who called himself Red Pine made an announcement about how we brought the Chaos Emeralds to him. Shoot... Talk about a double trap.

Shadow got another call saying to "move it or loose it." Eggman, you need to up your game...

"I have to get back to the doctor." Said Shadow running off.

"Shadow wait." Said Chris.

"Hey! I'm not stayin' here!" Said Rouge.

"You don't have to do anything." I said to him.

Chris got a call from Amy, saying that Sonic is in trouble. We've got no choice but to go back for him but... Without Shadow, we won't stand a chance. Sure i can use my own Chaos Energy but it's not enough. And if i take off my Inhibitor Rings... No! I don't want it to end up like last time.

We kept running but Shadow is trying to outrun us.

"He's only interested in doing what the boss tells him to do." Says Rouge.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Said Shadow.

I grunted. "Eggman doesn't care about you. He only wants to use you to get what he wants, don't you see that?"

"You're wrong!" He replied me coldly.

Rouge flew in front of him. "Come on now. Why else do you think he keeps you hanging around?"

"He wants to help me!" He said.

"You think he's gonna help you get your memories back, don't you?" Said Rouge. "Have you ever stop to think that Egghead is just using that promise to get you to do his dirty work?"

Chris walked beside him. "Rouge's right. You can't trust Eggman."

I put a hand on Shadow's shoulder and looked straight into his eyes. "Shadow, i know you don't remember but you've helped us a bunch of times before so i'm begging you to help us again. Please brother!"

Something flashed across his eyes then he grabbed both me and Rouge with one hand a took out an emerald in the other. "Alright, i'll help you, but just this one time." He said. Then he looked at Rouge. "I'm keeping my eye on you."

"Talk about insulting." She replied.

Then he used Chaos Control and we teleported to Eggman's ship.

"Nice of you to drop in Chris." Said Eggman. He turned to me and i glared at him. He clearly got the message and didn't say anything to me.

"I see Shadow decided to play nice and save you both from those Materax meanies. He really is an agreeable little fellow isn't he? After all, a squirt like you wouldn't have been a match for those guys."

I growled. "That's it! LEMME AT HIM!" I jumped to tackle Eggman but Shadow and Chris both held me back. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SQUIRT MR. RETARD!" I shouted at him.

"You need to show your manners on my ship missy!" He said to me. I growled but said nothing more.

Then Chris used some kind of lighter-bomb and used it to blind Eggman and the others temporarily. Chris took the Chaos Emeralds and looked back at me. I shook my head and he understood. He took off while i stayed behind.

Shadow and Rouge followed while i stayed behind to see what's happening. I know that's pretty cowardly of me but i had my own mission to accomplish. Eggman looked at me expectantly but i just glared and tossed him one of the things he needed.

"How many of these things do you have?" He asked me.

"A couple of dozens." I said shrugging. "Now, use that thing with that big brain of yours."

"Ooh... We can use it as a back up generator for my defenses."

I facepalmed. "Idiot! You're suppose to use that against the Materax! I know it's a fake! But with that, you'll at least stand a chance!"

"Oh. Ok." He used the fake emerald and place it on the defenses. Fingers crossed. He started blasting and it worked. His robots helped to destroy some of the Materax but soon, because its power is used up, the emerald shattered.

I growled. I looked back at the Materax ship and started to sense Chaos Energy levels rising. That could only mean one thing. Sonic and Shadow are turning into their Super Forms.

I warped out when two golden lights appeared. I saw Sonic and Shadow fighting over the Chaos Emeralds. As they battle they were destroying the Materax Base.

Then, some kind of Black hole appeared and the two hedgehogs stop fighting. Everything was getting sucked in and destroyed, including the Materax.

Little by little, i was getting sucked in too. I kept warping a bit further but it was stronger than it looks. I grab hold of Eggman's ship and warped inside. Hey, it's not like i've got much of a choice.

Eggman's ship was being sucked in but Shadow hopped on and he warped us to another place. I sighed. Everyone was looking at me. I gave them a death glare and they all turned away.

I crossed my arms. "You're going to have to put up with me Eggman. I'm staying until i get what i want."

"What is it that you want?" He asked me.

I smirked and looked down on him. "You'll find out."

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