Chapter 21 - Familia ante omnia

Start from the beginning

"Grandma Ledger...!" Anthony, who had appeared next to his wife with their son in his arms, breathed out in shock. Kate put her hand reassuringly on Anthony's upper arm.

"No, my lady, I believe it was I who compromised him, at one point. I was stung by a bee and for obvious reasons Anthony became very distraught, so I had to put his hand where the bee had stung me to ensure him that I was alright, but... Unfortunately it happened to be at my bosom." Kate smirked and Anthony's face grew even more horror-struck.

"Kate...!" He hissed at her, but after a short pause Lady Ledger broke into surprised laughter, much like the Queen herself had done with Eloise's joke of emeralds two years ago.

"Oh...! A bee, at your bosom!" Lady Ledger laughed until she was wheezing. Kate sniggered and Anthony's face melted into a cautious smile. "I like you, Viscountess Bridgerton." She finally announced, after she was able to breathe normally again. Anthony flashed a relieved smirk at Kate as the old woman walked towards him and Eddie, leaning heavily on her stick. "Let us look at the child, then." She grunted and peeked at Eddie's face underneath his white bonnet. "Oh, most unfortunate... He looks just like you when you were a child. An angry little sourpuss craving for his mother's teat all the time." Lady Ledger said dryly and waved her walking stick towards Anthony.

"How wonderful to see you too, Grandma Ledger..." Anthony sighed unenthusiastically, but nodded politely at his grandfather. Lord Ledger seemed to be a more silent fellow, who was content with a brief 'pleasure to meet you' with Kate, before hurrying after his wife towards the carriages that were waiting outside to take the small congregation to the venue of the christening. Once again the villagers had gathered outside the church and waited eagerly to catch a glimpse of the little lord, so Kate and Anthony passed them with amiable smiles. A decorative old chalice filled with holy water was placed by the altar and the priest signalled for Kate and Anthony, along with the child's godmother Daphne and godfather Simon, to gather around it. After they all had sung a hymn together the priest began his solemn sermon, which proved out to be quite a lengthy one. Anthony stirred where he stood between Kate and Simon, transferring his weight from one foot to another while jiggling Eddie in his arms and listening to the priest go on and on regarding his comparison of this particular child with baby Jesus Christ.

"Can you take him? My arms are getting seriously tired..." Anthony whispered to Simon.

"Of course." Simon smiled and scooped up Eddie carefully in his arms.

"Damn, this is awful... This is probably the most boring speech I have ever heard." Anthony complained in a hushed voice. Kate and Daphne cast murderous looks at their whispering.

"I know..." Simon muttered silently with a grin. "This is even worse than the speech the headmaster of Oxford gave at our graduation ceremony, do you remember it?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Anthony grinned. "An unforgettable day indeed..."


Oxford, May 1809

Anthony lay sprawled out on his back in the grass underneath an old oak tree with his notebook opened up and covering his face, while Simon sat next to him writing furiously in his own notebook. A couple of maids walked past them, giggling and casting longing looks at both Anthony and Simon, which the latter quite could not understand. Anthony seemed to be able to look handsome even in the silly long black college robes, whereas Simon felt like he was some dreary dark ghost in his. Nevertheless, the maids looked like they were plotting which one of them should marry Anthony and which one Simon, as they reluctantly walked further away from the men of their dreams.

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