Phobia number 1 (Alcohol) p2

202 6 14


We went to a beautiful garden behind the company.

I didn't know that such a place existed.
It had amazing flower beds ,several unique trees,
I remember the day were i would climb up a tree,my mother would stare at me with worry and asking me to get down,my father climbing the tree picking me up and climbing down

I would get scolded but we all laughed at the end.

They were  amazing memories

[The past remains in the past,  Kim dokja]

The fourth wall said,i felt my heart itch

I know,i know it so well.

"Oii,are you coming or not??"Han Sooyong said,interrupting my thoughts

"Ah,I am coming"I replied

I turned around and found that Yoo Junghyuk was already grilling meat,The kids were chasing each other,Yoo sangah watching over them,everything felt so  peaceful,
Abnormally peaceful

[It wont last]

The fourth wall said

I really wish it would,but i know better than hoping.Hope

A word so commonly used yet was so inferior.

Hope is nothing but a delusion,It only distracts one from their true
goals,It is fake.

At that moment it hit me,

I realized I was hoping


I hoped that we can live eternally in these memories,laughing and bickering.

[Kim Dokja is delusional]

Stop it

"Ahjussi,the food is ready"Shin Yoosong shouted

"Coming"I replied

What a wonderful delusion it is indeed



Something was defenitly wrong with Kim dokja,he was staring at nothingness with a look that was inferior to see

I know that Kim dokja is hiding things from us,I didn't want him to be always alone,planning everything for us,protecting us while we did not

Yet something was stopping me,it was instinct,I was afraid

Why was he hiding it from us?
Is it that horrible?
Could he be scheming something?


They were all questions that kept lurking in my brain searching for answers,i knew that even if i searched for answers i wouldn't find one,even if i use perfective plagiarism i wouldn't find an answer

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