Chapter 8

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Alejandro curled up into the fetal position on the back seat. His face was scorched, and his eyes perceived only an infinite white haze. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to notice the scent of blood floating from the front seat. Around him was only the calm hum of a car speeding along a road, the barks and growls of weremains having been left behind long ago.

"Where are we-" Alejandro attempted to speak, but his throat felt dry and painful, which made him cut himself off by coughing.

"Go to sleep babe," Fetcher's voice came from somewhere ahead. Alejandro felt Fetcher's hand brush across his briefly, but then he quickly returned his focus on the driving. Sleep, yes, that seemed like an option. It would certainly make him forget the pain for a while. Sleep never came though, instead, Alejandro spent the drive in an increasing haze of pain and delusion.

Alejandro could make out the car stopping at some point, but he struggled to open his eyes, let alone figure out where they had stopped. Fetcher left the car briefly, but soon returned, accompanied by two people, assuming by the sound of their footsteps.

"What happened?" a frantic female voice asked when one of the back doors opened.

"Not important right now!" Fetcher's authoritative voice stated, "Hold the umbrella over us while I carry him. Then Alejandro felt himself being pulled across the backseat, and Fetcher's strong arms picked him up and pressed him against his chest with care and worry. To his relief, Alejandro was brought indoors. Fetcher's scent was a mix of anger, fear, and blood. Alejandro pressed his forehead against Fetcher's collarbone. He felt small and helpless in Fetcher's arms, something that ordinarily would have made him angry, but now felt oddly soothing.

Fetcher deposited him on something soft, a bed most likely. Yes, it was a bed, Fetcher pulled the covers over Alejandro and disappeared again. He didn't appear to close the door though, as Alejandro could hear the voices conversing outside.

"Did someone bite his nose off?" the same female voice from before asked with a quivering voice.

"Don't think so," Fetcher replied, "He was like that before anyone bit him.

"Don't tell me he looks like that all the time," a different female voice said. "At least cheat on me with someone cute!"

"He doesn't" Fetcher assured her. "Also I fucked your brother first." The other female voice let out a snort of laughter, and by the thump in the hallway, the first one might have fainted. After a pause, Fetcher continued, "He needs blood, where do we get that?"

"Not from me," His fiance said quickly, "Let him bite yourself."

"He won't bite me!" Fetcher said exasperatedly. He let out a sigh and stepped back into the bedroom, now closing the door behind him. Alejandro felt him sit on the edge of the bed next to him. "You look like shit," he said calmly, "You need to drink something." Alejandro tried to peer into the endless white haze where his voice had come. The scent of Fetcher's blood drew closer. "Come on," he pleaded. Alejandro tried to hiss at him with a weak voice but was met with a growl ten times more powerful. "Why do you act like an idiot?" Fetcher demanded.

"I don't bite people," Alejandro tried weakly.

"Why?" Fetcher's voice had irritation mixed in now.

"What will people think?" Alejandro tried.

"I'm consenting to it, if anyone thinks of you poorly they will have to go through me," Fetcher growled, though the noise didn't seem directed at Alejandro this time. Alejandro sighed and slowly pulled his hand from under the covers. His skin felt tight, dry and extremely sensitive to touch. He gestured for Fetcher to give his hand. When he did, the smell of blood was extremely strong. Like Alejandro had feared, the scent made his thoughts irrational, the need to drink so strong that he worried he might not stop. A drop of blood was already making its way down Fetcher's arm, so Alejandro licked it off. Then he gagged. He gagged! At no point of his undead life had he ever heard of a vampire being able to do such a thing. Fetcher's blood was vile, a mix of chemicals and pollutants that Aljenadro had never even heard of. He bit down to keep himself from complaining. At least his fears had been proven mute for now. He wondered why the scent of the blood didn't seem affected by the trash in it. Perhaps his sense of smell was just that poor.

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