Chapter 22: A Milestone Achievement

Start from the beginning

The years passed, and Mia blossomed into a confident and talented young girl. She shared her love for music with Rosé, who encouraged her to pursue her dreams. Yu was always there to support and guide Mia through life's ups and downs.

Their home was filled with music, laughter, and the warmth of a loving family. Rosé and Yu's love had expanded to include Mia, and their bond was unbreakable.

As they looked toward the future, Rosé, Yu, and Mia knew that their journey as a family was just beginning. They were ready to face whatever adventures life had in store, knowing that their love would always light the way. It was a new chapter in their lives, and they couldn't wait to see where it would lead them.

-skipping timeline to Mia Graduation-

The day of Mia's graduation had arrived, marking a significant milestone in her life and in the life of her loving family-Rosé and Yu. It was a day filled with pride, joy, and a deep sense of accomplishment.

Mia, now a young woman with a bright future ahead, had worked diligently to excel in her studies and pursue her passions. She had grown into a confident and talented individual, thanks to the unwavering support and guidance of her mothers.

As the ceremony commenced, Rosé and Yu sat in the audience, their eyes shining with pride as they watched Mia cross the stage to receive her diploma. Mia's radiant smile conveyed a sense of achievement that filled their hearts with happiness.

After the ceremony, Mia joined her mothers in the bustling crowd of well-wishers. Rosé and Yu hugged her tightly, their hearts filled with love and admiration for the incredible young woman she had become.

"You did it, Mia," Rosé said, her voice filled with emotion. "We're so proud of you."

Yu added, "Your future is so bright, and we can't wait to see all the amazing things you'll accomplish."

Mia beamed at her mothers, feeling their love and support wash over her. "I couldn't have done it without both of you," she said. "You've been my inspiration."

As they celebrated Mia's graduation that evening with a special dinner, they reflected on the journey they had taken as a family. They knew that their love, support, and unwavering belief in each other had brought them to this moment.

As dessert was served, Mia cleared her throat, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "There's something I want to share with you both," she began.

Rosé and Yu exchanged curious glances, their full attention on Mia.

"I've met someone," Mia continued, her eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Her name is Emma, and we've been dating for a while now."

There was a pause as Rosé and Yu absorbed Mia's words. Then, a warm smile spread across Rosé's face, and she reached for Mia's hand. "That's wonderful, Mia. We're happy for you."

Yu nodded in agreement. "Love is a beautiful thing, and we want you to be happy. Tell us more about Emma."

Relief washed over Mia as she shared stories about Emma, her girlfriend. She talked about their shared interests, their adventures together, and the deep connection they had formed. Rosé and Yu listened attentively, their love and acceptance unwavering.

"I'd love for you both to meet Emma," Mia said, her eyes filled with hope. "She means a lot to me, and I want you to get to know her."

Rosé and Yu exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in unison. "Of course, Mia," Rosé said. "We'd be delighted to meet Emma."

As the evening continued, their dinner celebration evolved into a conversation about love, acceptance, and the importance of being true to oneself. It was a reminder that their family was built on a foundation of love and support, no matter who they loved.

Mia's graduation day had become even more special, as it marked not only her academic achievement but also a beautiful moment of coming out and introducing her girlfriend to her loving mothers. It was a day filled with love and acceptance, a testament to the strength of their family bonds.

Park House

In the small living room of their cozy home, Emma sat nervously on the couch, her hands slightly trembling. Rosé, Yu, and Mia had a conversation, and Yu had discreetly asked Rosé to take Mia outside for a moment, leaving Emma alone with her potential in-law.

Mia: "Mom, Is everything okay?"

Yu: "Mia Park. Just leave us some moment."

Mia, gulping, said, "Okay, Mom." She knew that if her mother ever called her by her full name, then it was serious.

As Rosé and Mia stepped outside, Mia couldn't help but worry about her mother, Yu. She tugged gently on Rosé's sleeve.

Rosé offered a reassuring smile, though she was just as curious as her daughter.

Rosé: "Don't worry, sweetie. Your mom, Yu, is just trying to get to know Emma better. They'll probably talk about your relationship and how much you care about each other. Everything will be fine."

Back inside, Yu, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, began the conversation with Emma.

Yu: "Emma, we appreciate you being open to meeting us today. We care deeply about Mia and want to make sure she's happy and in a safe and loving relationship."

Emma, while anxious, nodded and took a deep breath to steady herself.

Emma: "I understand, Mrs. Park. I care about Mia a lot, and I want her to be happy too."

Yu studied Emma for a moment, her expression serious but not unkind.

Yu: "Can you tell me more about your relationship with Mia? How long have you been together, and what are your intentions regarding her?"

Emma knew this was a crucial moment. She decided to speak from her heart, her voice steady but filled with sincerity.

Emma: "Mrs. Park, I love Mia deeply, and we've been together for over a year now. My intentions are simple - I want to make her happy and support her in every way I can. I want to be there for her, just like you and Mrs. Park has been."

Yu nodded, her demeanor softening slightly.

Yu: "Thank you for your honesty, Emma. Mia means the world to us, and we want her to be with someone who genuinely cares for her. If you make her happy and are there to support her, that's what matters most to us."

Emma felt a sense of relief wash over her as she realized that Yu was not the stern figure she had initially imagined. This conversation was about ensuring Mia's happiness, not about intimidation.

Yu: "Let's call Mia and Chaeyoung back inside, shall we? I believe they would love to share their experiences and thoughts about your relationship as well."

With a nod of agreement, Emma and Yu walked back into the living room, where Mia and Rosé waited. The atmosphere had shifted from tension to a more welcoming one, and now they could openly discuss their feelings and experiences as a family.


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