Chapter 23: Till we're grey and old.

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[Massive skipping in timeline]

In their later years, Rosé and Yu had grown old together, their love stronger than ever. Rosé, now 90 years old, had been facing health challenges, and Yu, at 87, never left her side. They had seen their beloved daughters, Emma and Mia, get married and start their own families. It was a bittersweet moment for them, filled with pride and joy for their children's happiness.

One quiet afternoon, as Rosie sat in her favorite chair by the window, looking out at the garden they had cultivated together over the years, Yu approached her with a warm smile. She had a tray with tea and some snacks, as she often did, to spend time with her beloved wife.

Rosé: "You're spoiling me, Yu. You don't need to do this every day, you know."

Yu: "Nonsense, my love. It's the least I can do for you. Plus, it gives us a chance to enjoy these moments together."

Rosé chuckled softly, touched by Yu's unwavering care and love.

Rosé: "You've always been too good to me. But don't forget to take care of yourself too. You deserve happiness."

Yu shook her head gently, her eyes filled with warmth.

Yu: "Happiness, for me, is being with you, Chae. There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile at her wife's words. Even in their old age, Yu's love and devotion continued to fill her heart with warmth.

Rosé: "You know, bebe, you don't have to stay by my side all the time. You should go out, enjoy the day, and spend time with the family. I'll be fine."

Yu took Rosé's hand on her own, her touch soft and reassuring.

Yu: "Love, you are my world. I've cherished every moment we've had together, and I don't want to waste a second apart from you. We've built a lifetime of memories, and I want to be here with you, holding your hand through it all."

Tears welled up in Rosé's eyes as she looked at her beloved Yu. She knew that their time together was limited, but their love remained as strong as ever. With a tender smile, she squeezed Yu's hand.

Rosé: "I love you more than words can express, Yu. Thank you for being my rock, my love, my everything."

Yu leaned in and gently kissed Rosé's forehead, their love transcending time and age.

Yu: "And I love you, Chae, more than a lifetime can contain. We'll face whatever comes together, just as we always have."

As the sun set outside their window, Rosé and Yu shared another moment of profound connection, their love, and commitment unwavering as they faced the challenges of aging together, cherishing each precious day.


In their final days together, Rosé had become bedridden, and Yu continued to care for her with unwavering devotion. The room was filled with the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains as Yu sat by Rosé's side, holding her frail hand.

Yu: "You're still as beautiful as the day we met, my love."

Rosé, her once vibrant eyes now dulled with age and frailty, couldn't help but chuckle softly.

Rosé: "Don't be silly, bebe. I'm old and wrinkled now."

Yu leaned in closer, her eyes filled with tenderness as she gently brushed a strand of gray hair from Rosé's forehead.

Yu: "To me, you'll always be the most beautiful girl in the world, love. Time may have aged our bodies, but our love has only grown stronger."

Rosé felt a tear escape from the corner of her eye and she reached out to wipe it away.

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