59.✔️: cramps

Start from the beginning

The history of aurora

Suddenly the book opened on its own making me flinch a little.

It scared the shit out of me man.

I took a closer look and in front of me were 10 words written in some different languages and the only word which I understood was English written in English.

I just tapped on it feeling stupid to do so but soon the pages flew and a new page opened and it was written

You have choosen English language
You can proceed further now

Did the book gave options for the readers?

It was cool man

I slowly turned the pages and then my eyes went at the title.

Back at times there was a man who was known as the kindest person alive.
He would help others selfishlessly and would never ask for anything in return.
He was considered like a god by people of the island.
The man even gave up his house to save a pregnant lady .
But things are Never in our favour right? And that's when one day he got ill.
Very very ill and the thing which shocked him was even after his generosity towards the others there was no one who helped him.
He was alone , homeless and was dying.
Slowly he got soo ill that he didn't had strength to work and hence he got poor.
People now loathed him.
He had only one meal a day which was the leftovers that were thrown in the trash.

And that's when one day he was sitting by the ocean and on his hands was his only meal for the day.

But suddenly he saw a lady's body lying on the sand and he rushed to her.

When we woke up she told him that she was hungry

The man gave her his only food again showing his generosity and even his clothes to her.

He have her the tent which he built to stay for night while he himself freezed.
Next morning when he woke up the lady was nowhere to be seen .
Instead of her it was a golden ring .

He picked it up and soon a spirit summoned in front of him

He came to know that the lady was the daughter of Aphrodite who was abducted.

She was weak to regain her powers and the man helped her so now she sent her guardian angel to him

The man started sobbing as he Told his struggles and what he did for people.

The spirit felt so bad that finally with the order of the Aphrodite he built the kingdom of aurora.
This kingdom was for those who were rejected by the society or were harmed by the humans for their selfish things.

The man was not at all selfish so finally he was given the kingdom.

However he was told that every beautiful thing had a dark side and he must avoid the dark waters at any cost or it will bring the end of aurora because it was the evil that lived there.

And that's how the kingdom of aurora was founded and the man was crowned as the king of the kingdom.

Woah it was really a great introduction.
The place was made because of him
Well it's good that there is a place that's for them who are not loved.

I then turned the pages to read further.

The king started ruling and the mythical creatures were always happy with him.

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