The cringe that this book is...

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I would like to start of saying after 6...7 years of not being on my account Ive finally remembered my login details. Literally just this minute logged in and read all the comments and this book and I regret every single word i wrote. This book, you can tell a 15 year old wrote this. I internally cringed over every word i wrote in this book, god knows why people actually read or even liked this. I do however would like to get back into writing, I remember I loved to write little stories at school or online. Maybe I'll make new stories that are more in depth and isn't rushed like this absolute mess of a book? I don't even think it's a book at this point. But i would like to say thanks to the people who had good things to say back when I first uploaded this, 15 year old me was happy that people was starting to like this story. I won't be recreating this book or changing anything about it. I'll be honest i don't see myself doing fan fictions like this, but maybe something from my own imagination. Well thanks to whoever read this, I know it was rushed and not that long. A part of me wants to delete this but then I kinda don't want to as this is a memory from a time where I actually could remove myself from harsh reality to a fictional world. Well that's it to this story, no more updates, no more cringey fictions based of tv shows. I'll see you maybe in a better, more thought out story in the future?

The sister of Silas(Kol Mikealson love story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz