Chapter 23: Running

Start from the beginning

"Sure can," Cisco muttered as he typed away at the computer before a still image of Joss in Iron Heights appeared on camera, he typed a bit more before the image zoomed in on the staff in her hand.

"It's infected with a satellite shard," Caitlin muttered as they looked at the shard sticking out of the Weather Vane, red veins spreading from it. "She's got Meta-Tech,"

"Like Spencer," Y/n chuckled at the memory before hearing a soft cough from the Scarlet Speedster next to him, Barry just shook his head when Y/n glanced over and the Thawne just rolled his eyes.

"She has instant lightning on command, there is no way you're going to get that stuff from her," Cisco pointed out as he looked at the Speedsters in the room. "She's going to have to give it up willingly," Cisco paused for a moment. "And unfortunately, Y/n can't go flirt with her like he did with the last one," He added with a chuckle while Y/n just stared at him while listening to Barry hold back his laughter next to him.

"Listen, we have twenty minutes before she destroys the entire city," Iris looked at the group of men, clearly irritated by the joking around.

"I'm with Iris on this one, we need a plan," Y/n shook his head as he looked at the team.

"We only have one choice," Barry said as he turned to face everyone. "We give her what she wants," Barry and Y/n looked at each other for a moment before a knowing grin formed on both of their faces.

Y/n was starting to get really tired of this whole, 'we only need the two of them' bullshit

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Y/n was starting to get really tired of this whole, 'we only need the two of them' bullshit. Even though this time it did make sense to leave him on the bench, he couldn't sit in the lab with the rest of the team because that wasn't his type of work. "They wanted me to wear the mask and now that I am, I should stay in the office all the time..." Y/n groaned to himself as he adjusted the final part of his bracelet.

Slipping it on and sending a quick pulse to it, he smiled as it lit up and in an instant, he vanished in teal and orange lightning, following a familiar pull as he ran into a cave he only ever visited once. "Welcome back, Y/n Thawne," The voice of Luminara echoed through the massive room.


"Yes, you did visit me in 2049 before running back in time," Luminara informed the Thawne as he looked around the room.

"If the nexus chamber is connected to all of time, why didn't you tell me about the Chaos Force?" Y/n questioned as he looked at the wall where Luminara's head formed. "You are aware that I am not connected to the Speed Force, right?

"Yes, I am aware that you are connected to the Chaos Force, a gift given to Mirabelle L/n," Luminara confirmed as her empty eyes seemed to track Y/n's every movement. "I couldn't tell you that information since it was not time for you to learn that," She added as Y/n finally stopped looking around and instead stood in front of her. "I cannot do or say anything that would otherwise interfere with the time more than it is meant to be,"

Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption (A Nora West-Allen X Y/n Thawne) [Discontinued?!]Where stories live. Discover now