I did not love Patrick, I didn't want to carry another child for him, or become anything like him or his family. I loved my hood rat ghetto ways. They can keep all over the extra shit. I wasn't going to force my daughter into their pretend perfect ass lives either. I looked over at Patrick over my shoulder for a minute and he was already asleep, shaking my head I turned back around. I would never leave him for Tyreek or leave Tyreek alone for Patrick, but the two of them were getting on my damn nerves period.

"I want chocolate chips in mines" Regan said from the counter top next to me stirring the pancakes, I smiled at her with a nod going to get the chocolate chips. She woke me up this morning wanting to make some breakfast.

"Just add a few of them" I passed her the bag going to turn on the griddle.

"opps" I heard from behind me, I headed over and she had dumped nearly the whole bag of chocolate chips into the bowl. "Sorry, mama" Regan apologized.

"It's fine. Now your going to get a mouth full of chocolately chip pancakes"

"YUM!" I laughed as my baby rubbed her belly with a hungry grin.

After getting it all mixed we poured the batter on to the griddle and I let her flip them being careful to make sure she didn't burn herself.

"Look at daddy's two favorite girls" Pat walked into the kitchen dressed already. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Work today?" I asked him as he tickled Regan,

"No, I thought we would go to my parents later this afternoon. They are preparing lunch" Regan and I both exchanged a look. You know it was bad when your six year old didn't like your family. Of course they would buy her things but they also would always make their slick little comments and do things, Regan damn sure isn't a dummy and neither am I. Patrick's family treats us like step children they made sure we were treated different from the "real" family, I mean they are always degrading and belittling us. I hated that shit, I was laughing my ass off every time I was around them, They try to be so damn perfect but I know they ain't shit. His sister husband tries to fuck me, the daddy is never home, the mama can't cook for shit and look like she was pulled from a page of the "better homes and gardens" magazine. The sister is boogie and stuck up. On top of that the brother isn't all the honest, neither is his boyfriend that the family knows nothing about. I peep shit, and the wanna be huckstables are not so perfect like they try to make everyone see. Me and my daughter is cool on that. We will go get some chicken and see a movie instead.

"Well, Regan has a play date this afternoon and we need to go shopping for some ladies things. You go right ahead though" I tell him taking a plate down from the cabinet so we could take off the pancakes.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

"Yes" Regan answered for me making me chuckle, I quickly shook my head yeah also. "Yeah, you go right ahead. We'll come if we finish and it's not too late" I told him.

"That's fine"

We weren't going at all, As soon as he left Regan and I finished eating and then went to get dressed so we could go have fun and spend some money. After dressing Regan and sitting her down in front of the TV I went and dressed myself. All of my things were designer, I loved the finer things in life. "Are you ready?" I asked her unlocking my Benz, holding her favorite doll with a smile she nodded her head. I buckled her in then got behind the wheel.

Instead of going around the block for a play date we went across town, to a place that Patrick would lose his mind if he knew I took Regan, My old stomping grounds.

The drive felt long and I was anxious, I pulled into the apartment complex and made my way to the back parking the car I got out going to the back and pulling out Regan. I made sure to hold her hand tight and lock up the car behind me as I made my way past the people and up the stairs.

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