West Magic Tower

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I couldn’t help but be embarrassed as they suddenly called out for my investment alias. I had chosen it to protect my identity, after all.

‘Why are you looking for me?’

All I did in the name of Lili Arcelle was to invest 8,000 lalit – received from the first antidote sale from the duchess – into the wizard Elby!

“Do you know the name?” Raeyan looked down at me and asked, perhaps feeling that my reaction was unusual.

“I know the name, but….”

It’s me.

However, I couldn’t go announcing that information recklessly until I had a grasp of the situation.

After all, there was speculation that it was a magic tower behind the group that attacked Carlot and I the other day.

I stopped by today for investigative purposes.

‘Let’s get out of here quietly first,’ I decided.

I thought it would be better to avoid exposing my alias without any information. It was when I was sharing my intentions with Raeyan with my eyes–

“There she is!”

The magic tower employee who helped me at the reception desk earlier pointed at me and shouted out of nowhere.

‘What should I do?’

As soon as I hesitated in my steps, a group of wizards suddenly appeared out of nowhere with pendants belonging to the West Tower on their chest.

Raeyan, who had been standing some distance from me, approached me closely and said, “I will escort you.”

As soon as he finished his words, a flashing blade was gently pulled out of the scabbard.



Someone’s shrill scream instantly heightened the tension.

It seemed to be the scream of a simple visitor, not an official of the Magic Tower.

‘What is going on?’ I agonized.

The visitors to the tower were mainly customers of the tower investment product, those who came to buy magic products, or, finally, those who wanted to hire a wizard.

In other words, it meant it was patronized by noblemen who were rotting their money and time away. Noblemen who could recognize me.

I had intended for this to be just a short stop anyway, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. Even if there were people who recognized me now, they wouldn’t care much because they would have thought that we stepped forward to see what the uproar was about, just like them.

However, if I got caught up in a commotion, then the story would be different. I lowered my head as far as I could to cover my face.

If Duke Perdia found out about today’s commotion, he would be at a loss for words.

If it became known that I invested under an alias and was being questioned……..

The Villainous Family is Against Independenceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن