Unexpected confessions

Start from the beginning

"it's not tha-" I cut him again seeing my coach glaring at me from the end of the hallway.

"shit.." I looked at my coach then at Jiung's hand who's still holding my wrist.

"let me go."I asked, so he did and I ran to my coach apologizing for being late even thought I know I was still in deep shit.


After practice; 

" I'm so tired.." My coach decided to make me do one more hour of practice for being late. 


"Ugh.. and I still have to get my stuff from my locker." I said while literally dragging my ass across the school.

And yes I am talking to myself out loud in the middle of school. 

It's so late there is no one at this hour anyway.

Except maybe the janitor but who cares.

"My beautiful locker.." I said sarcastically arriving in front of it.

opening my locker a paper fell from it. 

"oh! what's this?" I picked it up to take a look at it .



The next day;

"so you're telling me that you got a note telling you to go to the rooftop at lunch today?" Sunghoon asked clearly not believing any word who came out of my mouth.

"I'm telling you this is real!" 

"what's real?" Jay asked taking a seat next to us

"The note she wrote herself." Sunghoon said sliding the note toward Jay.


"You're not going right?" Jay asked after reading the note.

I stayed silence writing in my book.

"Kim Sun-Hee you are not going there!" 

"Why not?" 

"WHY NOT? Bro it could be like Intak and his friends who want to prank you again. You know damn well that he hates you since you won first place in last year dance competition."

"or it could be Ni-Ki.." I quietly said.

"And you are not my dad." i added louder this time.

"seriously, do whatever you want you little brat." He answered ruffling my hair with a smile.

At Lunch; 

" why am I so nervous?" 

I'm in front of the access door of the rooftop and I'm so nervous.

i dreamed about this moment all day, Ni-Ki waiting for me there with flowers asking me out on a date.  I was so exited but now that I'm here I feel like I could throw up. I heart is beating so much It could jump out. 

"you can do it" I take a big breath and open the door.

I take a step than a second, I look around and I see no one..

"is this a joke." I turn around not wanting to spend my lunch waiting here.

"You came." I voice said 

unexpected confessions (One shot)Where stories live. Discover now