chapter ten.

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basically just a quick tw for abuse and violence, ty!

risky was written all over this. someone was injured in an active stabbing and such. and now? the cops were trying to talk down the stabber, and someone needed medical attention.

the crew arrived at the scene rather quick, all hopping quickly out of the truck. they all approached athena, waiting for instructions. athena explained the situation, but the cops still needed some help getting this criminal under control. seeing that kai was the biggest and strongest of everyone on the scene..

she knew she could use her help. so athena crossed her arms.
" i know this ain't your job, honey, but.. you seem like you could talk a guy down. just stay back and talk to him, alright? "
she explained, giving kai a look of caution. kai nodded, taking a deep breath in. as the 118 tended to the other injured person, kai took a step in front of this stabber. he didn't seem to be older than.. maybe sixteen. troubled, clearly. kai had that sense, she knew. she'd been a troubled kid once.
" hey, kid. "
she spoke, keeping her tone as calm as she could. the boy only gave her nervous eyes.
" i'm kai, what's your name? "
she asked, putting on a gentle smile.
" k- kenny. "
he replied, his eyes not meeting hers now. she nodded quietly, her hands by her side.
" that's a nice name, kenny. can you put the knife down for me? "
she asked, she was trying to be as nice as possible. the poor kid's hands were shaking now.
" no.. i can't.. if i put it down, i.. "
he was panicking. kai took a step forward.
" kenny, listen to me. breathe. tell me why you can't. "
the boy tried taking deep breaths. he finally got the composure to speak.
" i- my dad said that if i didn't, he'd.. it wouldn't be good for me.. "
kai took another step forward.
" and we can protect you from him, kenny. it's gonna be okay. "

kenny looked at kai, he looked a little more comforted by her statement.
" yes, kenny. if you can tell the police why you did this, we can get you out of that home with him, it's gonna be okay. i know what it feels like, i really do. "
but kenny got nervous once more.
" no! i- i don't wanna go into foster care, i can't. "
kai couldn't stand seeing him so nervous. the motherly instincts kicked in almost immediately. she took one more step forward.
" kenny, listen to me. if you drop that knife, and you talk to the police, and this all doesn't get blamed on you, then i swear to you that i'll legally adopt you. "
she wanted to make this kid feel better. and if it meant another kid in the household, she wouldn't mind doing that. she knew what it was like to be in his situation and she didn't want him to suffer anymore. so she would legally adopt him if things came down to that.

obviously, everyone was a little surprised to hear kai saying this. but it wsas enough to make kenny finally drop the knife. kai stepped forward again and she pulled him into a hug. this kid was safe. she handed him over to athena and the cops, and decided she could help buck and the rest of them tend to a few people.

as kai bent down to help a man.. she felt a sharp pain through her stomach. the man stared at her, anger in his eyes. as he retracted his blade, he began to glare at her.
" you're not taking my son away from me. "
he grumbled. athena quickly managed to detain the man with help from other officers.

kai was met with the worried faces of her coworkers as she pressed her hand tight against her wound. that knife had gone pretty deep. buck quickly ran over, kneeling down beside her. he looked at her blood covered hand, his eyes wide.
" holy fuck, kai- hey, it's gonna be okay, okay? just keep yourself awake while we bandage you up- we're gonna get you to the hospital as soon as we can- "
kai could only nod, feeling the burning pain of her wound.

chimney and hen helped her up into the ambulance, looking in slight worry as they sped off to the hospital. hen monitored her bandages and made sure that the bleeding was all stopped. they were expected to get to the hospital in ten minutes. and hopefully she would be alright for ten minutes. but.. they hit some unexpected traffic. after two minutes of sitting with no movement, hen's eyes widened as she saw kai's eyes begin to flutter slightly shut.
" kai, kai- you need to stay awake, okay? "
hen spoke quickly, tying the girl's bandages tighter. but kai's eyes.. they closed anyway.

saved her life. | evan buckley x ocWhere stories live. Discover now