04. 𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐭𝐞

Start from the beginning

Akari gripped onto her hand, slowly following after her. All it took was one squeaky shoe for all hell broke loose in the gym. People began pouncing at each other, screaming full the atmosphere, and blood began to splatter.

Sakura tightly held Akari, darting away from the danger and into the school. The school was huge which was a slight advantage. Sakura pulled them into the closest classroom which only scared Akari more.

"What are you doing? They're going to find us here." She panics as she tries to leave.

"Everyone is either dying in that gym or running away as far as they can. Meaning it's unlikely someone would think to check the classroom right beside the gym." Sakura informed the girl.

Akari softly nodded and looked around as if she was preventing tears from falling. "Do you think they're right? Is there really only going to be one survivor?"

Sakura's face faltered for a second before a soft smile formed on her lips. "I don't know. But I won't let anybody get close to you."

"I don't want to lose you."

Tears streamed down Askari's face as she pulled Sakura into a hug. A shaky breath left her lips while some tears fell from her glassy eyes.

"You won't. There has to be another way." Sakura reassured, rubbing her back.

The girls let go of each other, Akari moving to sit by the teacher's desk whilst Sakura peeked outside through the window. Within the last five minutes, dead bodies already littered the floor, blood was spilled as if it was water, and people were striding around with their weapons.

Sakura knew they were going to need weapons as well because as smart as their hiding spot was it wouldn't last forever. She began to tear the whole classroom apart as quietly as she could. Eventually she reached the back drawer and opened the first cabinet to reveal a gun. She grabbed the gun, hiding it under her shirt so no one noticed.

"Hey! Have you checked this room?" A loud voice boomed from outside.

Shit. There were seconds away from being exposed. Sakura silently waved Akari over, the said girl running over. Through the small window on the door, Sakura could see at least three men. There were two entrances for the classroom and the men all seemed to be focused on the other door.

"We wait for them to get inside. Once they are, we leave through this door and run upstairs." Sakura softly whispered, Akari nodding in response.

Like planned, the two girls ran out of the class right when the men kicked down the door. Their voices were enough to muffle the girl's heavy footsteps. They swiftly ran up the stairs and through the halls.

Sakura was creeping through the halls with Akari behind her and when she went to turn a corner she was shoved down. Sakura grunted in pain at the unexpected force. The person had shoved her against the wall, injuring her head.

The man pushed her to the floor while she fought against him. He was tightly holding onto a knife in an attempt to slice her throat but Sakura was holding back his arms. His spare hand came down on her face, poking into her eye.

Loud cries left her lips at the pressure and she did the first thing that came to mind. She bit his hand as hard as she could, drawing specks of blood. Suddenly, a warm liquid splattered onto her face whilst the man fell to the floor. Sakura looked up at her savior with wide eyes and saw that her savior was Akari.

The young girl held a crowbar with shaky hands and teary eyes. She snatched the crowbar out of Akari's hands and turned her body away from the man. She didn't want her to witness such a scene.

𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚Where stories live. Discover now