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I chuckled as Harry and I walked over to our usual spot. We loved watching the humans, watching how our family were doing everyday, it sure was a shame that Harry and I died so young, just being idiotic high school kids. It didn't hurt, when we went though. I felt... oddly at peace, like all my problems and worries just vanished. Harry and I felt hurt, that our family and mothers cried for us but we were able to give them peace, calm their worries, in their dreams we could visit them, it was a special loop hole we'd found, that was against the rules, but in certain cases we could visit our mothers, and families in their sleep to ease their worries. My sisters used to think of cutting themselves, they came so close to falling apart. Until I helped ease their pain. It had been a year or two, or even three since Harry and I died.

For some odd reason that day we decided to watch new babies that were bought into the world. We both laughed and smiled watching the happy moments in the new parents' lives as they bought their babies into the world. My heart stopped, watching as one of the mothers started having trouble during the birth, the umbilical cord had wrapped around the newborn's neck, resulting in an emergency C-section, ,the mother didn't make it. The father... had lost it. I could feel his hatred towards the child, which wasn't normal. I was confused. Angels weren't supposed to feel anything, we were supposed to feel at peace and whole. 

I grunted, falling to my hands and knees, my right hand clenching into my fist My heart felt as though it had been ripped in half, like it was taken from me. 

"Zayn, mate, you good?" Harry asked, trying to help me up. I tried to reply, but all I could manage was a shake of my head. 

I let out a cry of pain, watching as the doctors brought the father into the hospital room, keeping the newborn for other precautions and procedures required. I couldn't stop feeling the pain in my chest, gasping for breath as I watched the nurse ask the father what the baby girl's name would be.

 "Y/N" He replied coldly. 

"NO!" I cried out, my wings felt like they were on fire, I looked behind me, watching as the white feathers fell, my robe tearing off me to reveal a black t-shirt and jeans with a black leather jacket. My white feathers had been replaced. With black ones. I stood up, slowly, shakily. Harry was wide eyed as he watched me with his mouth agape. That's when I fell. I'd fallen. For a human girl.

***Flashback end***

That was over 19 years ago. I had landed somewhere near where Y/N would be living, my wings had been cut off, my consequence for falling for the beautiful human girl before me, god couldn't have made her more perfectly. The prick she was on with the other hand, was just like her father, only he wouldn't beat my girl, he'd tell her she was worthless and so many other horrible things she wasn't. I knew what he was doing the minute I saw him. He didn't care for her, all he wanted was to take something that wasn't his to take. It wasn't even mine to take, not unless my girl wanted to give it away. A few months after my fall, Harry had fallen as well. He fell for my girl's best friend, he had found me and we'd lived together since then. Harry had found out a lot about our kind of fall, most of the time when we die young, we get lost, our souls still search for that perfect match, our soulmates, and apperantly mine was Y/N. Harry had fallen for Kathlyn. I watched carefully as they both passed by an alley. 

"Let's go through there, it's a short cut" Tyler suggested. That motherfucking prick! How the fuck could he take my girl through there?!

"I don't know, Tyler. It looks scary" Y/N mumbled. 

"C'mon, I'll protect you".


I followed them down the alley, keeping my distance as I watched him take her in his arms. My eyes narrowed, fists clenched s I watched a group of guys walking towards them. They whistled, signaling something. Y/N gasped, turning around, her face holding fear as I desperately tried to hold back, hoping that Tyler would just walk away with her.

Fallen | Zayn Malik X Reader | Angel Of Death (Azrael) AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora