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Jordan and I walked through the hallways that lead to the training area for the NRL since my training didn't start for another hour.

"Hey Jordan" I gently said
"What's up?"
"I'm kinda nervous..."
"What for?" He asked curiously
"To meet all these new people"

Jordan's knows I have social anxiety so he didn't yell at me for it like the others did, he didn't judge me like the other did and he didn't think I was a scaredy cat like the others did, he actually noticed how it affected my day to day life.

"Camil... you will be ok and if you need me for anything come and find me ok" he exclaimed
"You know where I will be" He stated as he pointed towards his training area

"Thanks Jordan, you really are the best"

After an hour of watching Jordan train my coach finally called our team over to start training for the game

Her voice boomed loudly across the training field
"Hello everyone! This year we have a new player! You will treat her with respect and kindness, the same as you do with all the other players on our team! It is crucial for our team to not only be co-workers but also friends! Please come up here and tell us about yourself!"

I started shaking but managed to build up the courage to go up on the stage and tell them about myself
"Hello.. My name is Camil... my best friend, Jordan Riki and he actually plays for the broncos nrl... my favourite colour is blue... and I love animal but I have really bad social anxiety so I'm gonna get of this stage before I pass out"
After that's statement I giggled quietly and handed the mic back to the coach.

"That seems like a good idea"
The coach giggle with the rest of the team and I.

After a while we started to do lunges, squats, running, e.t.c, as our warm ups before we started practicing for the game. For our practices we did things like running, passing, running passes, tap and run, tap and pass and a fair bit more until we where all weary and tired.

I sprinted to the sideline and got the tub that was filled with bottles of water and ran over to the team and gave all of them one each until there was only one left, which of coarse, I snatched up and drank in three big gulps.

The coach sang out to us "Guys that's a wrap I'll see you in two days aka Thursday!"
"Yes coach!" The whole team yelled back

I dashed over to my bag and grabbed it as I ran towards the restrooms.

After I walked out I strolled over to Jordan's team, who surprisingly, where still training.

As I sat down I got lost in mesmerisation, staring at a boy with green eyes and sandy hair as he ran I felt drool slide down my lip and I quickly wiped it away before staring at the floor.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..

After a while of watching Jordan and Patty train, Patty ran up to me.
"Hey lil' sis what are you doing here"
"For fucks sake Patty! Did you already forget I'm on the NRLW Broncos team?!"
"Ummmm... no?"
"Far out Patty"
"HEY GUYS SHES OFF LIMITS" he screams at the whole team while pointing at me and all I do in retaliation is stick my middle finger up to him

An: Sorry this is a rly bad chapter but it should get better, hopefully 😂
Give me any ideas you can think of bc I've run out

Remember to drink your water and eat decent meals ily all so much <3

Word count: 621

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