Season 2 Chapter 5 UNEDITED

Start from the beginning

"No, no... you're fine~" Amy sighed out in a more cheerier tone, knowing that Neo Metal Amy didn't always pick up on things... "You're still learning, after all." She giggled, as though surrendering the complaint in her mind and patting her metallic head instead. "But,... does that mean... you didn't recharge last night, N.M.A?" She asked, kindly, as Neo Metal Amy's eyes grew in green, as though gleeful.

"Amy Rose!" She took her hands, surprising Amy, holding them endearingly, "This is why I adore you, Amy Rose!" she moved closer to her face, "You are endlessly thinking of other beings other than your own organic self's needs! It is truly the inspiration of my entire recreation! I will always follow your example and do my part to better and 'bestly' help others as you do!" She then simulated a giggle, putting her clasped hands under her metallic chin, "He. He. I have created a 'new word' as silly as Organics do!" she cheered, as though that was an accomplishment of how 'organically' she had molded herself.

Smiling in both gladness and awkwardness, Amy just nodded, "Yay, I'm happy for you, N.M.A." She yawned then... before her eyes shrunk as she was then creeped out by what Neo Metal Amy had said before, "Wait..! Did you just... saayyyyy you were watching me sleep last night!?" She couldn't move her hands from Neo Metal Amy's grip, but the shock that took place on her face was priceless.

"Affirmative!" Neo Metal Amy beamed a happy closed-eye tone that read her pride in this. "I then assumed the 'relaxed' position beside you and mimicked the Organic way of simulating a 'sleep-cycle' by raising and lowering my upper-chest... as thus-" She demonstrated her metallic chest popping open, then clicking back into place, then popping out again as though trying to show 'deep breathing' during one's sleep. "I also recreated the closing of eyelids, and finally, the sound of great loudness."

"... The... the sound of great-, what..?" Amy's true fears were realized when suddenly a loud, almost like a horn on a boat's sound blasted and shook the room as Amy couldn't even cover her ears from Neo Metal Amy still having a tight hold on her hands.

Like airhorns with a deep voice, Amy just rattled her body at the frequency and blaring sound before Neo Metal Amy finally stopped and looked so proud of herself, "How did I do?" She awaited the praise she so desperately wanted before Amy's ruffled-up quills slowly lowered down and she smiled sweetly.

"I... Do not... Snore." Amy very mildly stated with the kindest of expressions possible. "Ehem, I think I'll have some breakfast now." She looked at her hands, showing she wanted to be freed, and looked up to Neo Metal Amy to see if she could understand what she was gesturing to with her eyes.

"Thank you! S-Snnoorre? Snore is now registered in my vocabulary!" She nodded, confident in her atrocious reenactment. "Snnoreee..." she repeated.

"... Of which I don't." Amy repeated, then looked at her hands again, "N.M.A... want to get breakfast with me?" she looked back up as Neo Metal Amy blinked a second, computing, and then put her hands up to her face.

"I would simply love to observe you consume substance to keep your functionality at top performance, Miss Amy Rose!" The action allowed Amy to receive her hands back, sighing, before looking to see her gloves were punctured.

"Good... Huh? Oh no..." She pulled at the holes, having it rip even more. "Gahh... that's okay. I needed new gloves for work, anyway." She tried to smile through it, but Neo Metal Amy looked sheepish suddenly.

She looked at her hands, realizing her 'claws' had dug in a bit too much without her realizing... "I... did not draw blood... did I?" She looked horribly apologetic towards Amy Rose, "To hurt you... would be my greatest error." Her eyes bent so far back in anguish at what could have been, that Amy Rose immediately felt a spike of empathy, and took her dangerous hands again.

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