Chapter 1

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"Just try it on" yapped Amelia from the other side of the curtain "fine" I yelled back riling my eyes, I'm in a changing room at the dress outlet trying on different dress for Elliotts wedding,

Amelia told me to try on a long, off the shoulder burgundy dress, with a split showing off my left leg, I didn't want to at first but Amelia told my burgundy was my " colour" whatever that means, I pulled the curtain away from me so I could get through,

about a dozen emotions are on Amelia face right now, I don't know if this dress is extremely bad and good? "You look amazing in that dress" Amelia said with excitement written all over her face "you think" "of course" as she says that I'm mid-way through spinning,

I have to agree with her burgundy does look great on me "you have to wear" "I don't know, Isn't a bit much?" "No, please wear it, please" she says hopping up and down like a kid wanting candy

"okay fine I'll get it, you can go to the car while I pay I'll be there soon" I said feeling more excited about it "all you need now is a date" she said with a smirk and wiggling her eyebrows "I know, I know I'm working on it" "well then your doing a really bad job at it" she said a little louder while walking out of the store.

As I walk to the entrance of the store I started thinking about what Amelia said what if I can't find a date, I'll be the only one going to their wedding alone, I'm gonna find a date I Mean I only have 2 days but I'll find someone

I hope they will have good food I said to myself as I feel a chilly breeze over my body, I look up to see a large window open only an inch, when I make it to the entrance I open the door and my nose felt numb instantly,

it's freezing out here, what if it's this cold Saturday? I hope not. When I make it to the SUV Amelia has the heater on knowing I would be cold, "thank you" I said while rubbing my hands together and putting them by the vents,

"no problem, got everything?" "Yup we're good to go" I said felling much more warm then before, "are you excited for Saturday?" I say trying to start conversation

"of course I am! Who wouldn't be?" "Me" I said under my breath but it wasn't so quite so she heard me,

"I know you don't have a date and stuff, but it's your brothers wedding" she said then took a pause "enjoy it." I could feel the empathy coming off her,

"do you know anyone who could be my date" I said pretty much begging at this point "sadly not, but you'll find someone I promise" she said while turning her attention to me then back to the road.

"See you Saturday Grace!" Amelia shouted from the inside of her SUV, she dropped me off at my apartment and I can already fell the soreness in my feet from walking all day, I got the day off but tomorrow I got back to work,

I'm a accountant and it's so exhausting but I love it, and I can't believe in 2 days it's my brothers wedding, I'm extremely excited but hopefully I have some luck finding someone for my date.

Sorry it isn't much but I'm just starting writing I'll try to make longer chapters
Thank you so much if you commented anything or is reading this it means so much to me love you all can't wait for chapter 2!

Unexpected love at my brothers weddingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora