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Poor Karen... she just couldn't handle the loss, could she?

(One "Kathy is too desperate to believe that her lover isn't dead due to a Heroin overdose, so she's come up with a whole delusional fantasy where she's taking care of Cathy's children, although, as it later turns out, is actually cradling the skeleton of Cathy's youngest, while sat next to Cathy's rotting corpse?", coming RIGHT up!)

I was inspired to make this fanfic after being told specially NOT TO, by the people from my BRCU group chat 😀

Our love is like a burning star, it was once here, but is now afar...

"Don't worry Cathy, I'll make sure to take care of the little one while you rest." Karen calls out to her, as Cathy begins to walk upstairs, yet she doesn't respond back. It's strange, ever since Karen found her sitting in that alleyway the other day, Cathy hasn't said a word... "I wonder what happened to her...?" Karen murmurs to herself, before shrugging, and beginning to walk over to the youngest one's cradle, as it begins to wail, its crying almost like a siren, piercing through the silence of the house, and its almost comforting to her, even though Cathy seems to have lost her voice, though hopefully it's only temporary.

"Come on little one, Momma Karen is gonna be feeding ya!" Karen exclaims cheerfully, as she carefully picks up the baby, before slinging it over her shoulder, and starting to walk towards the kitchen, where she knows that Cathy had just prepared a freshly warmed up bottle of milk, before going upstairs earlier. "Poor woman..." A voice echoes through the house, causing Karen to jump in shock, before quickly turning around, and observing the room. "What the hell was that...?" Suddenly, the baby's crying fills the air once again, and Karen is immediately reminded of the task at hand. "Gotta feed the baby, Kar-Kar... gotta feed the baby..."

However, as Karen begins to reach towards the milk, it suddenly appears almost rotten, with bugs crawling all over it, and the sound of flies buzzing begins to fill her ears. "JESUS!" She cries out, as she quickly backs away from the bottle, while holding the baby close to her chest. "CATHY! SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG, HERE!" Karen calls out to Cathy, but once again, she refuses to respond. "Oh for- whatever, I'll find out whatever's going on in here myself then, SHALL I?!" Still, Cathy refuses to respond, with the baby's cries and the sound of flies' buzzing quickly becoming her only companion. "Jesus Christ... how long has she been sitting next to the body for?" The voice once again echoes through the house, terrifying Karen, although, strangely enough, the baby's cries finally fall silent, and yet, the buzzing sound remains, although this time, it seems to be much fainter, now.

"WHO'S THERE?! SHOW YOURSELF YOU BASTARDS!" Karen screams, her voice reverberating throughout both the kitchen and the living room, and yet it doesn't seem to do any good, as a new voice, this one sounding to be that of a woman's, echoes through out the house. "We don't know how long she's been here, Sargent... all we know is that we got a call about a strange smell out back, and a woman crying almost non-stop... apparently it started to become too much for most of the locals, that they just started to blast music over the sobbing. Poor woman... perhaps, if someone had called sooner... we might have been able to save her mind... I still can't believe that she thinks that this baby is even still ALIVE..."

"She still won't let go of it?" The man (a sergeant, apparently) asks his colleague. "Nope." The police woman responds, although Karen is entirely unsure of whatever ranking she might be. "No matter how hard we try, we just can't seem to be able to pry its body out of the woman's arms, nor can we seem to move her away from Cathy Hernandez's body." Karen suddenly feels a shiver run down her spine, as the voices finally cease. "No... what? This can't be true...! It just CAN'T BE!" Karen screams, stomping her foot down on the carpeted floor, but yet, despite her denial of the situation, Karen can't help but peer down at the bundle of joy that she's currently holding in her arms, slowly peeling away the blanket which is currently wrapped around its body, bit by bit, until she finally sees the horrible truth. The baby is dead, as dead as it can be... there's no flesh even there anymore... it's just a large group of bones, which all quickly begin to fall away from eachother, as soon as she removes the blanket from its tiny body.

"NO! PLEASE! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING TO ME! THIS JUST CAN'T BE!" Karen screams, her voice almost becoming hoarse, as she can barely bring herself to keep her gaze away from the bones of her once healthy and beautiful baby, who she was planning on parenting alongside Cathy... "Oh my god, CATHY!" Karen suddenly screams, as she quickly runs far away from the baby's body, and starts to move up the stairs, which leads to the upper floors of their house, until she finally reaches the bedroom, which both she and Cathy share together. "CATHY?! CATHY, WAKE UP!" Karen begins to yell, as she suddenly throws open the door, before hurrying over to Cathy's side of the bed, as she notices that she's somehow still asleep, despite all the commotion. "SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH-"

Suddenly, Cathy rolls over onto her side, and stares directly into Karen's eyes, as a large array of bugs, both big and small, start to roam all over her body, with most of her skin having long ago began rotting, and started peeling away. "CATHY! WHAT THE FU-" Karen begins to scream once again, before suddenly being cut off by Cathy's voice, which now sounds almost haunting, and emotionless, almost as if she were some kind of machine. "I'm dead, Karen. I've been dead for a long time now. It's time to let go... you need to continue to live your life without me... raise my children right, Karen... raise my children right..." Suddenly, Cathy's entire body begins to rot away much faster than before, causing Karen to quickly leap to her feet, before turning around and hurrying over toward the door, which, upon trying to open it, and is horrified to realise is now somehow completely locked, despite there being no locking mechanism.

"PLEASE! SOMEBODY LET ME OUT! I'M STUCK IN HERE! SOMEONE?! ANYONE?!" Karen begins to scream, as she starts to try and kick the door down. "TIMMY?! TIMMY ARE YOU THERE?!" She screams, but once again, she doesn't hear a response from anyone. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! IT JUST CAN'T BE! NONE OF THIS IS REAL! NONE OF THIS IS-" Suddenly, Karen lets out a loud gasp, as she finds herself laying in bed, her lower half hidden underneath the sheets."Oh thank god... it was all just a dream!" Karen exclaims, before she rolls over in order to look at Cathy, and smiles, as she notices that she's moving, clearly asleep, as her body slowly begins to move up and down, showing clear signs that she's still breathing. "Goodnight my beloved Cathy, sweet dreams..." Karen whispers to her, before kissing her on the side of the head, rolling over, and going back to sleep. However, just as she begins to fall asleep again, she swears that she can hear a voice saying "That's it, we need to move her to a mental hospital."

Outside of Karen's delusional fantasy, stands a man and a woman, both of whom are police officers, and both of whom are now standing over Cathy's corpse (as well as that of her baby's, which is currently being held in the arms of Karen, despite it being long dead), while Karen lays next to her, clearly wide awake, yet mumbling incoherently.

"What happened to Cathy Hernandez's other kids, anyway?" The Sergeant asks his second in command, who gives him a sad look, before responding. "One of them apparently set off a firecracker inside of the house, while Cathy was away, shopping with the baby. That's why poor Cathy had that overdose... she got the news as soon as she came home, and she just couldn't bare it anymore... she was trying to kick the habit originally, in order to try and make a better life for her kids, but after they all burnt to death in that house fire... well, she no longer saw a desire to keep living, even though she still had the youngest in her arms."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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