03 | the great mistake

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She'd been dropped in the opposite school she had longed to attend — the same school she'd been so adamant both you and your sister much rather belonged.

Some sort of guilt clawed on your insides. Sophie had long since dreamt of the day she'd be kidnapped and dropped off at the School for Good. Yet, here you are, selfishly living out her dream, and, admittedly, even happy with the way things had turned out.

You released a short sigh, coming to the inevitable truth. Your friend wasn't here, nor would you spot her in the endless bloom.

But a fairy (one that had earlier fretted over your unconscious form) circled you, dusting your clothes, and inspecting every inch of your skin for open wounds.

"Why, hello, you beautiful creature. . ." The fairy stilled upon your genuine words, albeit released a string of bitter chimes before turning away with a huff and crossing its arms pettily. You were stupefied, blinking at its back in confusion, when you caught sight of its wings.

A pair of little black dots covered its hindwings, just as a male butterfly would have. You had your father's illustrations to thank for the information.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. I meant handsome." The fairy switches from bitter chimes to a merry flutter, leading you to where the other girls are headed.

Quite amused by his swift switch-up, you followed after, quickly making haste with a pair of girls, who mirror your sweet smile.

Everything seemed much more pleasant than you could have imagined. However, your excitement was interrupted by your sister's distinct yowls, as she struggled to fend off a jingling fairy that attracted (in her own words) — the rainbow vomit — that seemed to be luring you in.

Agatha's efforts at separating you from the group weren't completely fruitless, though she'd much prefer a less embarrassing means of gaining your attention.

The fairy flew into your sister's mouth in a wild turn of events, causing her to swallow it. And as she strived to catch your gaze, she was met with at least sixty beautiful girls gaping at her; the cat in a nightingale's nest.

"Aggie!" Many looked at you in confusion as you rushed to your sister's side and helped her cough out the fairy, who turned out to be buddies with the one you'd befriended (he seemed just as, if not more upset with your sister with the way he glowered).

"Why, do you know her?" A sweet-faced brunette's words, unlike the other girls' mutters, were filled with nothing but curiosity, though your sister took it the wrong way, and scowled even deeper, cheeks staining with an unusual pigment of red.

You, however, had been oblivious to the tense bubble that wrapped around the situation, only nodding to her question with a small frown as your eyes bounced back and forth between your sister and the male fairy she'd spat out. The poor thing was shivering so intensely. . .

In the distance, sweet bells rang out from the stunning glass castle of pink and blue across the crystal clear lake.

The teams of fairies all grabbed their girls by the shoulders, hoisted them into the air, and flew them across the lake towards the towers. Agatha, on the other hand, saw this as a chance to escape.

She went to grab you, to drag you away as fast as she could. But before she could even inch your way, you'd already been lifted into the air by a trio of fairies — one being that which greeted you earlier, and the other two being a pair of females.

The cool air nipped at your skin as the faint smile on your face twitched higher.

Being all that way off the ground felt almost magical. The skies were bright and clear, the breeze crisp and fresh, and nothing weighed you down from that feeling.

MAD HATTER ; school for good & evilHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin