Upon returning to the living room, Jolie was met with Charles' admiring gaze. "You look stunning, Cherie," he murmured before standing up and bridging the distance between them to grace her lips with a gentle kiss. Jolie couldn't help but let a wide smile spread across her lips. "Thank you, babe," she responded, snuggling into him briefly before pulling away.

Once they were all set, the pair made their way to the garage. There, Charles' Stelvio already wated for them, and they got in to drive to the restaurant. Recently, Charles had regained permission to drive himself, and he was naturally eager to take advantage of this. Jolie had to admit, she genuinely despised having him as a passenger in his own cars. In her Audi, he often refrained from commenting, but in his Alfa, let alone his Ferrari, he could sometimes be insufferable. This had definitely led to an argument or maybe two.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Charles parked the car, and as they headed towards the entrance, he realized he had left his phone in the vehicle. "Wait a moment, Cherie," he called out to her and dashed back to the car.

Seizing the moment, she snapped a candid photo of him as he returned to the car and realized she pointed her phone at him. With a mischievous grin, she uploaded the picture to her Instagram story.

 With a mischievous grin, she uploaded the picture to her Instagram story

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>>Date Night with this Troublemaker ♡<<

She already knew his fans would adore the picture. So why keep it hidden?

Jolie chuckled softly, interlacing her fingers with Charles's as they entered the warm, welcoming ambiance of "Il Terrazzino." The restaurant was known for its cozy atmosphere, reminiscent of a quaint, traditional Italian village. With its wooden beams, set tables, and warm lighting, it evoked the feeling of a rustic trattoria right in the heart of Monaco. It was one of the rare places in the vicinity where they could retreat and relish life's simplicity, away from the usual glitter and glam.

A friendly waitress escorted them to their regular table, tucked away in a quiet corner of the restaurant. Here, they could chat undisturbed and savor the exquisite Italian cuisine. As they skimmed through the menu, soft traditional Italian music began playing in the background, rounding off the ambiance perfectly.

Charles looked up from his menu and smiled affectionately at Jolie. "I've really missed our date nights," he confessed, gently running his thumb over the back of Jolie's hand. "It's so lovely to just spend time with you, devoid of distractions or obligations."

Jolie blushed slightly, returning his smile. "I feel the same. It's so vital to indulge in these intimate moments, especially with our often hectic lives."

The two clinked their glasses, embarked on their meal, and allowed the evening to wind down with profound conversations, abundant laughter, and that unique intimacy only the two of them shared.

Jolie genuinely cherished every single second of this date. She had missed this sense of normalcy with him profoundly. And that now showed her it was all worth it.

Their fingers met, and she gently touched the tape wrapped around his fingers. "I love you, Charlie," she whispered dreamily. Gazing deep into her eyes, Charles replied, "I love you too, Cherie," planting a soft kiss on her hand.

A feeling of warmth and contentment surged through Jolie. The memory of the beginning of the year surfaced, when she had received the invitation to Monza. No one could have foretold that by the end of October, she'd be in Monaco, having a romantic dinner with her one great love, Charles. She'd probably have scoffed at any skeptic. Her life had taken an unexpected twist, and she was grateful for every second of it.

After exiting the restaurant, Charles suggested taking a leisurely stroll around Monaco. With a radiant smile, Jolie agreed. Arm in arm, they ambled towards the Casino. Although it was less touristy in the fall, Monaco's allure remained intact.

Suddenly, Charles asked, "Have you thought about having kids?" Jolie, a bit taken aback by the abrupt question, smiled and replied, "Absolutely, and you?" Charles' eyes lit up, "Three would be perfect. Just like in my family." He grinned and pulled her in for a quick kiss. Laughing, Jolie responded, "Three sounds good. As an only child, I always wished for a sibling, and I want my kids to have that privilege." They continued their stroll, and Charles added, "My brothers mean everything to me, even if they can be a real handful at times," he said with a mischievous smile.

The question about children made Jolie drift into her thoughts. She pictured a little girl with Charles' eyes and her smile, and a boy growing up with a penchant for fast cars and the same cheeky grin as his father.

"If it's a boy, I hope he inherits your drive and passion," she smiled at Charles. "And if it's a girl, your strength and confidence."

Charles smirked, "And from you? They'd definitely inherit your warmth, your big heart, and of course, your beauty."

She giggled and playfully punched him, "Flatterer."

The sound of lively music echoed from a nearby café, and the two were captivated by the melody. It was a slow song, perfect for couples. Without hesitation, Charles drew Jolie into his arms and began to dance slowly, right in the middle of the square.

As they danced, they forgot about everything around them; it was just the two of them and the music. They spun and twirled, their bodies moving in harmony, their eyes locked onto each other's. It felt as if time had stopped.

As the song concluded, they pulled away, gazing at each other with love. "That was magical," Jolie whispered.

Charles leaned in and gently kissed her. "Every moment with you is magical."

He led her through the Casino Square and towards the harbor, where they could overlook Monaco. Monaco at night was simply breathtaking. It had always held a special place in Jolie's heart. She rested her head on Charles' shoulder, soaking in the view. Charles gently wrapped his arms around her and lovingly kissed the top of her head.

As they let their gaze wander across the city, Jolie felt Charles pull her closer. "I can't picture a better vision of our future," he whispered. "Here, with you and our kids... it will be perfect." Jolie chuckled softly, "And don't forget the championship trophy!" Charles joined in the laughter, "Of course, how could I forget that?" 

As they made their way back to the car, they were recognized by a small group of young fans. "Aren't you Charles Leclerc?" a young man asked in awe. Charles nodded and graciously gave them a few minutes of his time, taking photos and chatting briefly. Jolie watched with pride as he interacted patiently and warmly with his fans. 

When they finally arrived home, they quickly changed and sank into their soft bed. Charles pulled Jolie into his embrace, and she snuggled against his chest. "Every day with you feels like a gift," he whispered. Jolie smiled in response, "It's the same for me. With you by my side, everything feels right." They exchanged a loving goodnight kiss and soon drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, cocooned in the warmth of their love and the promise of their shared future.

Petrol in his Veins // Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now