Chapter 2

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Carven: (smiles) "Get in here."

G'raha was thrilled. He was invited inside by someone he loved. He had never been to her small apartment before. The other Scions never been here either. He saw food on a small coffee table, a fireplace, comfy couch and a small kitchen with a kitchen table. He watched as she made tea. He looked up and down at her longingly. When she came with tea, she saw him looking at her.

Carven: "Are you alright?"

G'Raha: (snapping out of it) "Oh! I'm alright."

Carven: "Hm. Tea?"

G'Raha: "Yes thank you. You have a lovely place."

Carven: "It's not much but it's cozy. It's home. I'm actually thinking about moving into a bigger home."

G'Raha: "Well if you need assistance with the move, I would be glad to help."

Carven: (smiles) "I would like that. You'll be the first person I call to help with packing."

G'Raha: (softly) "I'll answer you right away."

They looked at each other then looked away with fresh blushes on their faces. They then took another sip of tea. From the corner of her eye, she saw him scoot closer to her.

G'Raha: "So how was your night with the Lord Commander?"

Carven: "You jealous G'Raha?"

G'Raha: "What?! Jealous?! Nonsense!"

Carven: (raises eyebrow, sips her tea)

G'Raha: "Okay maybe a hair."

Carven: (grunts)

G'Raha: "Okay maybe I am! I almost broke a glass cause of the man."

Carven: (sniffs) "You even smell like a distillery. ALMOST."

G'Raha: "Yes Alisaie and Krile helped me with that. They saw me drunk and felt that I needed to have a literal and metaphorical cold shower."

Carven: (laughs out loud)

G'Raha: "Very funny..."

Carven: (laughs, wipes a tear) "Gods I wish I could've seen that."

G'Raha: (dry chuckle) "It seems you were otherwise engaged in conversation with Aymeric so be glad you didn't. Estinien saw that the two of you slipped out after the ball was wrapping up. He said you had dinner together."

Carven: (sips) "We did. We were talking about us specifically. Where we stood together. He basically was mortified when I almost perished at the hand of Zenos. Thank goodness it was the other way around."

G'Raha: "Still find it hard to believe that he aided in your battle. Tis believe he has.....had an affection for you too."

Carven: (scoffs, gets up) "He was OBSESSED with me G'Raha! He was crazy! Especially when he took my body! That was disgusting! Outright maddening and a violation! I was afraid he was going to hurt you and Alisaie! With my body. Both of your blood would be on my hands......I don't know how I would take...."

G'Raha: (holds her shoulders) "It's alright. We both saw right through him in time."

Carven: "If something like that were to happen to Alisaie"

G'Raha: (softly) "It's alright."

Carven: "Fandaniel was more mad. Even Zenos thought the same way. (pours him another cup) You should've seen him on the moon.....Now that they're both gone, maybe we can finally move on from it."

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