

Sweet Viserra,

Normally I'd remark on your silence but since you seem adamant I shall forgo it. I am writing in my grief. The deaths of my husband and his sister have shaken both Daemon and I to our core. Despite Daemon offering me comfort and I him I long to see your face again. I am sure you all in the Red Keep are readying yourselves for the upcoming wedding so I do not wish to trouble you. But I must say, some days I struggle to leave my chambers. Things were so much simpler when I was younger but now I feel as though I am drowning in my grief.  Perhaps when your older you'll give me the chance to explain myself to you and I did the things I did. But until then, I remain your ever loving sister. 



As I stare outside my window I can the storm clouds gather and the wind drop. Here on Dragonstone the storm seems to come alive. The thunder rattles the glass and I sometimes fear that this ancient castle will crumble and bury us all. 

Jace and Luke miss you everyday, and Joffrey has begun to speak! Though he only makes incoherent sounds Daemon has been refusing to speak to him in the common tongue. He only speaks in High Valyrian, according to him the sooner Joffrey learns the language of his forefathers the better. Although I am decidedly neutral I find his plan rather amusing. Luke mounted Arrax for the first time last night. Oh my sweet boy seemed so happy. You would have been proud Viserra he flew up and up into the clouds and came back down so fast. I am immeasurably happy for him. 

As always please write sister, I try to be cheerful with these letters but your prolonged silence has begun to sting.  




You have been adamant in your silence so I believe that it's time for me to explain my self to you. Know that you are the only one who has heard the entirety of my misery. Not even Daemon knows the full truth. 

It all began when I was your age. I was great friends with your mother Queen Alicent, but back then she was no Queen she was only my Alicent. She was gentle, kind and supportive. Our tragedy began the day my mother Queen Aemma went into labor with my brother Baelon, our fathers' heir. As you well know both my mother and brother lost their lives that day. Our father exiled Daemon to the Vale and my family was broken. Though now I see that even then things were far more simpler than they are now. Through all that Alicent had been my rock. My lighthouse. I knew that as long as she was by my side I would never truly be alone. 

But your grandfather's ambition is a dangerous thing, it was even then. What I did not know was that Alicent had bee seeing my father in his chambers to comfort him in his grief. This I believe was done at the command of the Hand. I know you care for him Viserra but Otto Hightower is a crude and cunning man. He sold his own daughter into marriage so he may have the chance of seeing his blood on the throne. I regret that I did not force my father to be rid of him sooner. 

Then one spring day in the Small Council chambers my father announced that he planned on marrying Alicent, my Alicent and make her his Queen. And that was the beginning of the end. I was so angry and betrayed that I forgot about how she felt. She couldn't have said no to the King and I did not offer her my support. 

The early years that followed comprised of rumors, slanders and vile insults thrown at me by your mother and Ser Criston. When my sons were born she would demand to see them as soon as the labor would be complete. And I would never part with my children and so I would carry them to her myself. I still remember having Laenor hold my hand helping me walk. And I remember how your grandfather would whisper about my sons as I walked past. How Criston would laugh as my blood would fall onto my dress. How the other nobles would look at me with pity. Not a single one attempted to vouch for me. Not even father. 

Yes I grieve your mother, but I will never forget the slights against myself and my children. I say this to you now not to burden you but to explain to you why I had to come to Dragonstone. I could not stand it in Kings Landing anymore. And I haven't even told you the saddest part. 

A week prior to Jacaerys' birth I went to Alicent's chambers to try and fix things and I overheard her talking to her handmaiden. I remember her words like birds remember their song. My friend as a child, my companion of years said "Perhaps the whore will die in the birthing bed.". 

She knew Viserra. She knew how terrified I was after what befell my mother and she openly insulted me in front of her subjects. That was the end for me. I knew that I could never gain our friendship back. 

Then when she was birthing you I was in the chamber next to her. I was by her side holding her hand as the maesters rescued you. After the midwives she was the first to hold you. She knew she was dying yet she did not shed a tear she pressed a kiss to your head and proclaimed you her darling girl. She handed you to  me and I vowed always to look after you as I would my own children. I failed your mother Viserra, but I will not fail you. Not again. 

Princess of Dragonstone

Yes I just did that :) Basically Nyra and co have been writing to Viserra but with no response. But Viserra has been writing to Dragonstone with no response. What do yall think happened wink wink :))

As always I hope you enjoyed and pls don't be a ghost reader I love reading yalls comments. 

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