Chapter 8: A Frustrating Rollercoaster

Start from the beginning

Despite her reservations and the rollercoaster of emotions, Yu decided to take a chance. She took a deep breath, willing herself to trust Roseanne just a bit longer. She responded with a mixture of skepticism and hope:

"Fine, Roseanne. I'll give you one more chance. I'll come outside when you arrive, but if this is some kind of sick game, I swear I'll never forgive you."

With that message sent, Yu heart pounding in her chest. She was determined to confront Roseanne face-to-face, to finally get answers to the many questions that had plagued her for months.

Rosé's Perspective

As Rosé waited for Reader19's response, the minutes felt like an eternity. Her heart raced with anxiety and anticipation, hoping beyond hope that Reader19 would believe her and come outside.

Finally, a message from Reader lit up her screen, and Rosé's heart soared with relief. Reader19 was willing to take the chance, to give her one more opportunity to explain everything in person.

"Thank you, Reader19," she replied, her fingers trembling with both excitement and trepidation.


"I promise this is real, and I'll explain everything when I see you. I'm waiting outside. Just look up, and you'll find me."

She sent the message, her pulse quickening as she realized that the moment of truth was about to arrive. Rosé had embarked on this journey to bridge the gap between her virtual friendship with Reader19 and the reality of a face-to-face meeting. The path had been filled with uncertainty and challenges, but she was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

But she couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension, knowing that her actions had caused Reader19, a great deal of frustration and hurt.

As she is outside Reader19's house, her phone in her hand, Rosé thought back to all the times she had appeared and disappeared from Reader19's life. She understood that her actions had created a rollercoaster of emotions for Reader19, and she felt a pang of guilt.

Rosé: To herself, "I've put her through so much. I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me."

With a deep breath, Rosé sent a message to Reader19, informing her that she was outside. She knew that Reader19 would likely be angry and confused, and she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation.

Inside the house, Yu received the message from Roseanne, and her heart raced with a mixture of emotions. She had been through a whirlwind of frustration and uncertainty due to Roseanne's unpredictable behavior, and now, it seemed that Roseanne was finally ready to meet.

As she made her way to the front door, Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous anticipation. She didn't know what to expect from this meeting, and her emotions were a jumble of anger, hurt, and curiosity.

Yu: To herself, "I need answers. I deserve to know the truth about why she played with my emotions like this."

As she opened the door and stepped outside, she saw Roseanne's vehicle parked in front of her house. Anger and frustration welled up within her, but there was also a deep curiosity about the person behind the online persona of Roseanne.

Rosé: Nervously, "She's coming out. I hope I can find the right words to explain everything."

The two of them were on the precipice of a momentous revelation, and the air was thick with tension and emotion. Rosé's heart raced as she waited for Reader19 to approach, knowing that the truth was about to come to light, and their friendship would either crumble or transform into something deeper and more meaningful.

Yu's Perspective

Yu stood by the entrance of her home, her heart pounding in her chest as she stared out into the street. The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on her, but she had made the decision to give Roseanne one more chance. She couldn't ignore the possibility that this might be real, that her online friend had taken a leap of faith just as she had.

Taking a deep breath, Yu stepped outside, the cool breeze of the evening washing over her. She scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of Roseanne. Doubt still lingered in her mind, but a glimmer of hope burned within her.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed with a new message, and she saw it was from Roseanne. She opened it eagerly, her heart in her throat.

"I'm here in my car," the message read. "I can't come out, but I'm waiting for you. Please come to the car, and we can talk."

Yu's eyes widened with disbelief as she realized that this was no prank. It was real. Roseanne had come all this way, and she was waiting for her in a car just down the street.

Rosé's Perspective

From the driver's seat of her car, Rosé watched with bated breath as Reader19 stepped outside. Her heart raced with anticipation, knowing that this moment would determine the fate of their online friendship. She had taken a risk, traveled across the world, and revealed herself, but the reality of her idol status meant she couldn't step out of the car.

As Reader19 stepped outside and looked around, Rosé sent a message, her fingers trembling with a mixture of excitement and nervousness:

"I'm here in my car," she typed. "I can't come out, but I'm waiting for you. Please come to the car, and we can talk."

She hit send and watched as Reade19's eyes widened with surprise. Rosè hoped with all her heart that Reader19 would understand her situation, that they could still bridge the gap between them despite the limitations. She waved to Reader19 from inside the car, her heart full of hope for what lay ahead.

a/n: They finally meet. Yeyy!!! Tho I don't know what will happen to them, congratulations for now.
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