★Chapter 2★

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Later that morning. Astra was standing beside Queen Amidala's throne, where she was sitting, and other senators sitting around the room listening to a hologram of Senator Palpatine. Astra crossed her arms listening to the hologram.

"Negotiations haven't started because the ambassadors aren't there?" Palpatine started. "How could that be true? I have assurances from the chancellor his ambassadors did arive. It must- handwork- negotiate- ambassadors-" Palpatine continues, but then his hologram started to glitch out and it was hard to understand what he was saying.

"Senator Palpatine." Amidala started as his hologram turned off. "What's happening?"

"Check the transmission generator." Panaka stated.

"A communication distribution can mean only one thing: invasion." Astra spoke.

"The Federation would not dare go that far."
Amidala spoke

"The senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished." Panaka stated.

"We must continue to rely on negotiations."

"Negotiations? We've lost all communications." Bibble said. "And where are all the chancellor's ambassadors?"

"This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness." Panaka said turning to Queen Amidala. "Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation army.

"I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war." Amidala stated.


Later that day. A army of battle droids came to Naboo and took the queen and everyone else with her. Astra stood behind the Queen who now was wearing a pretty black dress with feathers on the headdress, and the same white facepaint on her face that she was wearing before.

"How will you explain this invasion to the senate?" The older man askes as the droids and Nute Gunray lead them towards the exit of the palace.

"The queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here." Nute Gunray starts. "I have assurances it will be ratified by the senate."

"I will not cooperate." Queen Amidala spoke.

"Now, now, Your Highness. In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view." Nute Gunray finished then stopped walking for a moment. "Commander."

"Yes, sir." A battle droid said.

"Process them."

Captain, take them to Camp 4."

"Roger, roger." Another one of them said.

They began walking again following the two battle droids in front of them, heading outside. Astra started sensing a presence nearby.

They got out of the Palace and saw many, many battle droids, and some of them were escorting people around.

They got to a bridge and were about to walk underneath it then was stopped by two figures. They jumped down and then ignited their lightsabers, The Jedi Master had a green lightsaber, and his Padawan had blue lightsabers. Then there was a Gungan that was clumsy tripped and fell off the bridge. The Padawan kicked two droids, knocking them down.

Astra ignited her blue lightsaber and took out the droids that were next to her and the queen.
The Jedi Master took out of few off them easily, then deactivated his lightsaber, hooking it back on his belt, then force pushing two droids into a wall destroying them. The Padawan took out the last two droids. He spun his lightsaber before turning it back off. Astra watched the Padawan after destroying the battle droids around her and softly smiles.

Breaking The Code Obi-Wan Kenobi x Astra Rose(OC)Where stories live. Discover now