Ch.6 Voting For a Class Rep

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The next day, as I'm walking to class with Izuku, he asks me about the combat training we had yesterday. 

"It was intense, I'll admit," I reply, sharing my excitement with him. 

Izuku nods, his eyes shining with determination. "I can't wait to see what we're doing today. I just hope I don't break my arm again." Midoriya mutters.

"Yeah, it seemed pretty bad." I say.

"Well, Recovery Girl healed me, so I'm good as new."

"Hey! You two!" A group of reporters appear out of nowhere, running toward us, waving cameras and microphones.

"Midoriya! Run!" I run towards the school gates, determined to escape the reporters. Izuku, unfortunately, wasn't fast enough.

I ran inside the building and stopped to look for Izuku.

"Damn. He was caught." I said, looking back at the gate.

A little while later...

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your teams results." Aizawa had some papers with the results. "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't sulk like a little child over your loss, ok?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"And Midoriya, I see the only way you won the match was by breaking your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk; that line is already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But your quirk will be useful if you can get a handle on it. So show a little urgency."

"Right!" Midoriya nodded.

After giving advice to everyone else, he finally gets to me, and he says, "Jakku, not bad, you swiftly took care of your opponents. I'm impressed. But remember, you didn't need to do it all by yourself. It's important to rely on your teammates and work together as a team to achieve the best results. Don't underestimate the power of collaboration and support from others."

I only nod.

"With that all cleared away, let's get down to business." Aizawa then says: "Our first task will decide your future."

The class visibly tensed up.

"You'll all need to pick a class representative."

Everyone began calling for people to choose them, I yawned, uninterested. The whole process seemed tedious and unnecessary to me, and I couldn't help but feel apathetic about the entire situation.

Out of nowhere, Iida managed to silence everyone, suggesting an election.

After everyone voted, the results were in. I was in first place with 3 votes, followed by Yaoyorozu with 2 votes.

I was surprised and confused by the results. Being chosen as the class representative was unexpected, as I hadn't actively campaigned for it.

"Okay you idiots! Who voted for him!?" Bakugo angrily questioned.

"What? Did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?" Sero smugly replied.

"Alright. The class rep is Tsukisasaru. And our deputy is Yaoyorozu." Aizawa spoke.

Midorya's face lit up with a wide smile as he heard the announcement. He turned to me, his eyes sparkling with genuine happiness. "Congratulations!" he says, his voice filled with excitement and genuine joy. "You deserve it!"

"How'd this happen?" Yaoyorozu lets out a sigh.

"Why me?" I mutter, trying to make sense of the situation. Looking at everyone, it seems that they are alright with this. I feel a mix of confusion and apprehension. Being a class rep was never something I wanted or felt suited for.

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