Tatsuya's point of view (2)

Start from the beginning

Haru then turned his attention to the wounded knights and began presenting his healing potions. When the first knight drank his potion and his cut visibly healed before our eyes, applause erupted. The other knights willingly volunteered as test subjects and the results were astonishing. The moment that stood out the most was when he regenerated a missing hand for one of the knights. Everyone present, including myself, could hardly believe their eyes. A sense of euphoria filled the room and I could feel the excitement welling up inside me. His healing powers appeared to be limitless, and I began to realize the potential that lay within him.

Haru approached me and requested to test his remedies on individuals suffering from the mysterious illness that had afflicted Ryota. I agreed and promised to arrange an escort for him to travel to the city and continue his research. The possibilities that he and his remedy presented to me quickened my heart. I could see the joy on his face and the depth of his gratitude as he bowed to me.

When he handed me a bottle of his potion, I noticed that it looked different from the others. His explanation piqued my interest and I thanked him. His powers had the potential to change people's lives and influence the balance of power.

The next day, we set out for the city to further investigate the effects of the healing potion. The carriage jolted on the rough road as we left the estate. The idea of traveling in a carriage was unfamiliar to me; I usually preferred riding my horse. However, today was an exception. I could feel the skeptical gazes of Isabella and Raven on me, but I had my reasons for this decision. I wanted to ensure that our precious cargo remained safe.

When the carriage stopped in the city center, we get off. I was the first to step out, followed by Isabella and Raven. I reached out my hand to Haru. His palm felt soft and delicate. While the knights unloaded the crates, I watched as the young healer approached an old, dead tree. Suddenly, something remarkable happened: the tree bloomed once more, bearing succulent blue apples. Once again, Haru managed to surprise me.

He handed me one of the apples. I stared in fascination at the blue apple in my hand but refrained from eating it. Instead, I packed it away to examine later. Several afflicted people approached us and we were able to thoroughly test the healing potion. I was more than impressed by its power; it surpassed that of any healer. This power overpowered that of the Church and Duke Aurelius.

The day came to an end, darkness descended and our supplies of healing potions were running low. After bidding farewell to the residents, the knights began reloading the empty crates onto the carriage. However, before we could depart, a knight approached us in haste, his horse panting heavily. "Duke Drakonov, the scouts have spotted a horde of goblins to the east", he gasped. The faces of the knights and my own immediately turned serious.

"Kiyoshi, you stay here and inform the residents" I ordered, turning to the former one-handed knight. He nodded in understanding and set off to warn the residents. Raven approached me. "You ensure his safe return to the estate" I said curtly. There was no time to waste.

I mounted a horse, followed by the other knights and we rode off hastily. The news of the goblin horde had put us all on high alert. The cool night air filled my lungs as I saw the goblin horde rapidly approaching. Their repulsive silhouettes stood out against the dark night sky. My knights surrounded me, their tension palpable, but they were ready for battle. We formed a defensive line in front of the city wall and the torches illuminated our weapons, glinting in the darkness.

I raised my sword, feeling its weight in my hands. It was time. The first goblins reached us and I plunged into battle. My sword whirled through the air, severing limbs and piercing hearts. Each of my strikes was precise and deadly.

My knights fought as valiantly as I did. One warrior with a massive axe smashed the goblins' skulls, while another expertly skewered the leaders with a lance. The air was filled with their cries and our battle screams.

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