Part 3

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As the morning sun rose, Brian also rose with it. He blinked his eyes open and looked around.
'Morning Stew...'
Brian started saying as he realised that Stewie was not in his crib. As Brian looked at the time, it read 6:21am. Now, that was unusual as Stewie didn't wake up until 7:00am so where was he? He called out for him.
'Stewie? Stewie?'
But not answer. Thinking he just woke up early today, he went downstairs to find Peter asleep on the sofa. No doubt he came home drunk again. He didn't feel like dealing with the consequences of waking him so Brian just left him and walked into the kitchen where he then saw Lois sitting at the table with a coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. Brian thought it would be worth an ask.
'Hey Lois, have you seen Stewie?'
Her reply shocked him even more.
'Haven't seen him since 3 this morning, not that I care.'
Lois responded, while chuckling to herself. Brian was stunned. Why was Stewie awake at 3 in the morning and why hadn't he woke Brian up? He just walked away and ran back up to Stewie's room, searching every hiding place. Nothing. Until he saw a little white folded up paper sitting in the middle of the floor. Brian felt stupid. How could he have missed that? Brian unfolded it and it read as follows:

Dear Brian,

I'm sorry to have to do this through a letter but I didn't want to wake you up. I've had enough of Peter and Lois. They don't care about me and they beat me up quite badly this morning. I'm hurting Brian. They bring pain to me, physically and mentally. I can't stay in that house anymore so I packed a small bag and left. I know you would have come with me but I didn't want to drag you along when I don't even know where I'm going myself. You have always been there for me Brian; you are my best friend and even more, my only father figure. I will send you another letter once I find somewhere safe to stay but until then, I wish you well and I love you Bri.

Stewie Griffin

Brian had tears rolling down his face. He knew Stewie had it bad but to find out that Peter and Lois beat him was like Brian got hit with reality. He had to find Stewie. He had to help him. And with that, Brian packed his own bag and walked out of the house with no word to Peter or Lois.

It had been a couple of hours since Stewie left the house and he had no idea where he was. Of course it was bright out now but he was unfamiliar of the area and considering he had been walking for a few hours, he was tired. He needed to rest. So he did what any baby would do. He found an old box in a creepy alleyway and climbed in. But he didn't realise how wet the box was due to his tiredness. He cuddled up with Rupert and before Stewie realised, he was asleep.

The Beginning of Brian and Stewie's AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora