𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

Start from the beginning

We arrived to the beach and we soon spotted the team... and nekomas team? "HEY GUYS" Tanaka shouted as we ran over to them. Most of our guys were either in the water or the decorated area the nekomas team was at, seemed like a birthday party but for who?

Normal POV

Me and Haru went back to the our little area to find another ball because onikawa or whatever kept serving it into the water. "I honestly hate the oikawa dude he's so full of himself stupid pretty boy" I whispered as I held harus hand, we were both in our swimwear as if we weren't it would be uncomfortable but I kept my shorts on but unbuttoned.

We made it back to the area and there were more people than when we left making Haru hide behind my leg. "Oh [Y/N] hey!" Yachi called out catching everyone else's attention, I soon noticed that the karasunos volleyball team was here as well. "NISHI!!" Haru shouted as he ran towards the water, "HARU WAIT!!" I yelled after him as I was right behind him.

I continued running after him until he was already in the arms of Noya. "Oh [Y/N] hey" he spoke as he held ru in his arms shirtless... I couldn't even think straight as my eyes were more fixed on his abs "Noya... hey what are you doing here?" I questioned as I looked everywhere but him. "Oh, yachi got invited so we all tagged along" he replied as ru played in his hair.

"Oh well I'll be playing volleyball if you would like to join" "you play volleyball?" He questioned "I used to play beach volleyball in middle school" I replied "anyway it looks like ru wants to be with you so I'll leave you with him, just watch him for me k?" I headed back to get a ball for the game.

Noyas POV

As [Y/N] walked away leaving me with ru I let out a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding, i felt my face burn up as I watched her walk away. "Are you ok Nishi? You're all red" "yeah I'm o- "do I need to get [N/N]?" "NO NO IM OK RU" I replied quickly as I thought about [Y/N].

I couldn't even contain myself, her boobs were literally yelling at me. But that wasn't the only thing she looked hot all sweaty seemed like she was really into the game and I honestly wanted to see her play. But I was stuck with Haru yet I wasn't complaining.

Time went on as I spent my time with ru, surprisingly he didn't want to leave my side. Now we were having a sand castle building contest, "Mine is gonna be better because I'm a pro at this" I commented as he built another base for his castle "nope mine is already better, wanna know why?" He questioned as I nodded "because the ruler of my castle is... [N/N]!".

I chuckled a bit as he began to seem offended, "what's so funny huh?" "Nothing it's just that you really must love your sister" I replied as I dug a barrier around my castle. "Of course I do, she's my sister, she inspires me she makes my lunch everyday and she bakes me sweets when I'm upset. And she helps me whenever I ask for it... besides she's pretty I see why you like her" I became a little flustered at that last part. "I don't like her we're just friends" I said flustered.

"You can't fool me I'm 7 it's obvious you couldn't even breath when she left" he said smugly. "that's not even the deal so don't even" "you lie a lot I see the way you look at her- "alright no ice cream for you" I replied as I pointed at him. "IM SORRY NISHI! But I'm being honest, you can deny it all you want it's obvious... my sisters just very dense" he said as he added sticks to his castle.

"What a smart kid, but holy hell he's very observant" I thought as I continued building my castle.


Normal POV

The sun was now setting signaling us that it was time to sing to Emiko. "OK GUYS ITS TIMEEE!!!" I yelled gathering everyone's attention, I grabbed the box that was in the cooler as everyone gathered around. I placed the box on the table opening it, "Ok everyone" I stood my place besides Noya as ru grabbed my hand, he was already holding Noyas so he used his other hand. I found it cute how he immediately fell inlove with Noya after only knowing him for 3 months.

Everyone received a piece of cake even though not many people wanted some because there wasn't enough, but at least there wasn't anything left to take home. Some people began leaving as it was getting late, "Hey [Y/N] I was going to spend the night over at iwa's im sorry I know I said I'd take you guys home!" Emiko spoke apologetically. The nekoma guys already left and I honestly didn't want to take the train by myself, "It's ok I'll just take the train back" I replied.

"yuuhoooo~" I heard from behind me and I instantly got irritated. "You can spend the night at my house if you want I have an extra room" oikawa spoke as he put his shoulder around me, "not a chance shittykawa" I responded moving his hand off my shoulder.

I went to go find ru as he had ran off with Noya just before oikawa appeared, they were at the ice cream hut ordering "ru we'll have to get going soon Emikos leaving soon but she can't take us back home" I spoke as they received their ice cream. "You guys can stay at my place for the night, the last train to Tokyo is about to leave" Noya commented as he handed me an ice cream cone.

And that's what we did, we ended up walking to Noyas house to spend the night. "Are you sure this is ok? Noya I mean we don't have any extra clothes" I commented as we seem to arrive at his door. "It's fine I promise, I'll let you guys borrow some of my clothes it's no biggie, besides no one's home so you won't be bothering anyone".

I nodded as he opened the door I was holding a sleeping ru in my arms, we headed inside as I took my shoes off. "Ill sleep on the couch while you guys can sleep in my bed" I felt my cheeks heat up as he said this, "I wanna sleep in the living room with nishi" I was a little startled because he was suppose to sleep.

He jumped out of my arms and laid on the single person couch quickly falling asleep, "well..." "let's head upstairs I'll get you some clothes" he spoke as he lead me to his room, he handed me a red shit and black shorts "I'm not sure if this will fit considering you are a little taller than me. Just let me know" he spoke as he left the room.

After I put the clothes on they were a little tight but they weren't bad. Soon I heard a knock on the door "come in" I said as Noya came in, "how do they fit?" He questioned as he threw his clothes in his hamper. "They're a little tight but they're still comfortable" I said as I sat on his bed, we stared at eachother for a little as I felt my face burn.

"G-goodnight [Y/N]" he spoke hiding his face as he headed to the door, "goodnight Noya"

Noyas POV

I closed the door behind me as I felt my face burn, I couldn't get that imagine of her out my head. Shes wearing my clothes and they're tight so they hugged her body perfectly, yet another stuck to me... She's in my room.... In my bed

≻─── ⋆✩⋆ ───≺

≻─── ⋆✩⋆ ───≺

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