Queen in the north

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Alyssa was in her and Tywin's chambers for days, unable to eat or sleep, the only time she came out of those rooms was for her husband's funeral, she had lost her other half, her child's father.

One afternoon she was sitting at one of the windows overlooking the city when someone entered her room.

"Ally, we need to leave kingslanding."
She continued looking over the city, "I'm not ready to leave, it would mean letting him go completely, all my memories of him are here." Tears were rolling down her cheeks, by now, she didn't even notice them anymore."
"Please ally they're gonna make you responsible, think of your child, we need to head north."
"Why? The Bolton's have winterfell, and they wouldn't listen to me."
"But they have sansa and Margaery, think of them, please ally," He went up to her, hugging her, "if you stay you die, and your child, he wouldn't want that."
"He wanted to be a good father, for once he wanted to be there for his child...he wanted to do better jaime..."
He nodded, kissing the top of her head, "come on, i packed your stuff already, let's get you home."
He took her stuff and went out of her room again.
"But he was home..."

They made their way north, gathering the Lannister army and the army of the vale behind them, standing in front of the doors of winterfell.

Ramsay Bolton came out on top of his horse, alone.
Alyssa rode up to him.
"You're in my home." She said, looking at him.
"Last i heard your husband, or rather the king, proclaimed me, lord of winterfell."
"Until my return, and i have returned."
"Well who's supposed to tell me to leave, if i remember correctly, the man who told me to leave when you arrive, your husband, is dead," Ramsay grinned, "you have no power here, lady Stark." He nearly laughed seeing the sadness in her eyes, but he was wrong, that wasn't sadness, it was anger.
"I am alyssa of house stark, daughter of Eddard stark, the wolf's daughter, lady of casterly rock and Winterfell and warden of the north. I was the wife of the mighty Tywin and i carry his son inside me." One second later, Lord Bolton's head was cut off clean, as Alyssa rode past his body and into the courtyard of Winterfell.
"Any man who dares to continue being loyal to the Bolton's will be handled the same way he was, swear loyalty again to house stark, now, or die, by the hands of a stark."
The men laid down their swords, bowing to Alyssa as she climbed the steps upon the wall of winterfell, looking out to men that had followed her.
Jaime smiled up at her before turning to the men again, "Lady Alyssa of house Stark, the queen in the north!"
"The queen in the north!" The men yelled.
Alyssa smiled as she looked up at the sky, "i hope you two are proud of me..." tears began forming in her eyes again as her hands rested on her belly.

When she returned to the courtyard, Margaery came running to her, hugging her tight.
"I'm so glad you're okay, and I'm so, so sorry." She took Alyssa's hands.
Sansa was not as sad as Margaery was when they heard of Tywin's death, she never really liked their relationship, but seeing her older sister so sad, and destroyed, it broke her heart.

That evening the three women sat together in Alyssa's room, talking about everything that happened until they fell into silence.
Alyssa looked around, "this used to be fathers and mothers chambers." She stated, looking at sansa who just nodded.
"What will you do now?" Margaery said, trying to change the topic, "i mean, your child needs a father, will you marry again?"
"I don't know, and even if i do, i will never love anyone the way I loved him."
"What made you fall in love with him anyway?" Sansa asked.
"I don't know, i guess the way he was so different with me then with everyone else, you know?" Alyssa looked away from them, "he was a good man, i know you don't want to believe that but it's true, and he would have been a good father to our child," she looked down at her belly, smiling a little, "as for your question," she looked at Margaery, "If i have to marry again, it would probably be jaime, if he was willing to, my child is a Lannister, so his father will be a Lannister."
Margaery nodded and took her hand, "i know i haven't lived through the pain that you are dealing with, but i promise you ally, I'm here for you."
"I know Margaery, and I'm so happy to have you, you may not be of my blood but you will always be my sister."
Margaery smiled at her, "i know."

A few days later, sansa and Margaery helped Alyssa get ready for her coronation, having all the lord and ladies of the north gathered in Winterfell.
Jaime came up to her afterwards, "so, Queen now?" He chuckled a little.
"I guess." She gave a small smile.
"They're proud of you, i promise." He took her hand as she looked away again, putting her other hand on her belly, "gods i hope they are."
"How is it to be back home?"
"More comfortable than down south, but lonely without him," She looked at Jaime, "i need a favour from you."
"Anything." He smiled at her, reassuring alyssa that he was there for her.
"Will you be my husband and a father to my child?" She looked up at him, begging him.
"Of course i will."
Alyssa hugged him tight as his arms wrapped around her.

Day's went by, as everything was made ready for their wedding, and due to that, and being queen in the north, Alyssa was busy, but also avoiding jaime, she didn't ask to marry him because she still loved him, she loved his father, it would always be like that, but jaime couldn't accept that.
Her pushing him away made him mad, and after a few drinks too many he decided to confront Alyssa, stopping her in one of the hallways when no one else was around.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She asked, looking at her.
"Jaime I'm busy, can you just let me go?" She was annoyed at him, she had more important things to do than talking to him about this.
"No, you're telling me what's going on, why do you keep pushing me away?! I'm going to be your husband!"
"I had a husband!" Alyssa snapped, "and he was murdered in cold blood, before my eyes!"
"Oh for gods sake, get over him! He's dead! Accept it" He pulled her closer to him, "you're gonna be MINE, so you will stop this, and you will not keep on avoiding me!"
Alyssa pushed him away from her, straightening herself, "do not touch me, i am the queen in the north, your queen as long as your feet are on my lands, you may be my husband but you will NEVER be my equal, and unless you sober up, you shouldn't even think about talking to me." With that she left, leaving jaime alone in the hallways.
Jaime did apologize to her for what he did, and because Alyssa knew he wouldn't normally act like this, she forgave him, he was right about something, she needed to accept Tywin's death, she needed to let him go because she was going to have a new husband, for her child's sake.

A few weeks later they were married, and while jaime still loved her like he did the last time they were in winterfell, he knew Alyssa would always love his father, that he was just a replacement, but he didn't care, he got to be her husband, a father to her child, and he would do anything for the both of them.

A few months later, alyssa gave birth to a beautiful little, golden haired boy.
Jaime smiled as he held him in his arms while Alyssa slept, still exhausted from the birth.
When she woke up, she smiled at them, "can i hold him?" She asked, holding her arms out for her child.
"Of course." Jaime said, giving her her little boy.
Alyssa smiled at him, "my little lion, you have your father's eyes don't you." She smiled, she could already imagine the amount of times she would find herself lost within her son's eyes, like she got lost in his fathers eyes.
"What do you wish to name him?" Jaime asked, looking at them.
"Tywin..." Alyssa whispered.
"No, ally i promised to be a father to your child, our child, but i don't want to have a constant reminder that he's not my child when i try to act as if he's mine. He will not have my fathers name."
"Then Tyson." Alyssa answered, looking at jaime, "his name will be Tyson, Tyson Lannister."
Jaime nodded, kissing her on the top of her head before leaving the room.
Alyssa didn't notice, she looked at her son in her Arms, smiling at him.

"How i wish your father could see you, he would've been so happy to hold you in his arms."
A tear rolled down her cheek as her baby smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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