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(Disclaimer: the POV will switch almost every chapter so be aware. This is Kuroo's POV. Short chapter.)

After I split up with Bo, I walked into my AP Calculus class. Once entering I took a sigh of relief. Mr. Sesily. The best math teacher in the math department. He actually knows how to teach and he's funny. What's not to like? I had him for Honors Algebra 2.

"Kuroo!" He almost cheers as he sees me walk in.

"Mr. Sesily! Good seeing ya." We fist bump each other and I go to find a seat. Mr. Sesily never cared for seating charts, which I'm super thankful for. Most teachers pair me up with students who aren't the brightest or don't try and it really pisses me off.

I sit in the center of the class next to this platinum haired boy. From the corner of my eye I can see him writing something. Curiosity gets the best of me as I look over his shoulder to see what he's writing.

Before I could read anything he catches me watching and closes his journal.

"Are you spying over my shoulder? I thought the Kuroo Tetsuro would know better." It's not a shocker he knows my name. Most people do. Being on a 5A football team in the state comes with its perks. Popularity being one of them.

"Sorry. I got a little curious." I say scratching the back of my head.

"You do know curiosity killed the cat don't you?" the boy says with a playful smirk. I chuckle and lower my hand down.

"What's your name?"

"Sugawara Koushi. But most people call me Suga."

"Nice to meet you, Suga."

"You too." He smiles and opens his journal again and continues to write. This time I let him write in peace, so as to not invade his privacy again. After awhile Mr. Sesily passes out a one sided paper containing the class conduct, along with an empty lining space with the directions: Fill out the blank spaces with any questions, concerns, or specifics I should be addressed for this year.

I leave it blank like I normally would and read through the conduct. It's the same from sophomore year. Same grade percentage, late work rules, absent rules, etc. this'll be an easy class for sure.


The period is slow. After finishing up the class conduct we were allowed to do whatever we wished for the remainder of class. Which was an hour. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through tik tok when I noticed Suga started writing again. What if I just ask him?

"What is it your writing anyways?" He looks my way and smiles, sliding his journal my way. I looked down at the paper and realized that it was full of poems. Really really good poems. A lot of them were about romance, but what poem truly isn't?

"Damn! You write these?" I say as I grab the journal to read more. In the corner of my eye I see him slightly blush and scratch the edge of his nose. Cute.

"You must be a beast in English class."

"Haha. I suppose." I give him his journal back as I lean my head on my hand.

"Did you enter the literature contest last year?"

"Uh, yeah. I did. Got second."

"Dude! That's amazing! Makes sense. These poems are great."

"Ha, thanks."

For the remainder of class all I do is talk to him. He's actually really easy to talk to. We talk about lots of things. His poems, of course, classes, teachers, outside activities, friends, favorite coffee shops, etc. I was so dialed into our conversations that I lost track of time. Before I knew it the bell rang, signaling class to be over.

"Oh. I didn't even realize it was 9:47."

"Me neither." Suga says as he packs up his stuff. I do the same. I stand up with my bag and head towards the door. Before I leave the classroom I turn back to the boy.

"See you later?"

Suga looks up at me and smiles. "Sure!" I smile as well and leave the classroom.


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