Chapter 15: Realization

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Meena/Mikana P.O.V

I was looking down onto Grimmjow. He had just had is arm completely destroyed by Tosen and it had taken all my strength (and Gin grabbing my wrist) to stop me attacking Tosen.

"Hmm, such a troublesome pair you two make!" Aizen commented to me, as Grimmjow exited the room.

I growled and turned away.

"Now, now Mikana! How could you be so careless! Not only did you fail to defeat a Captain, but you also lost some of our arrancars!" Aizen said again.

"It was their fault! They were weak. As for the Captain......" I stopped in mid-sentence. What about the Captain? Why didn't I kill him straight away?

"Aizen........Who is Byakuya?" I asked. When the white-haired kid had mentioned him, my heart twanged. Like I knew him from somewhere.

Aizen and Gin stiffened.

"Where did you hear that name?!" They both asked together.

"The Captain I fought mentioned him. He said something about how could I forget him and this 'Byakuya' person!" I said confusion overwhelmed me. They were about to reply when intense pain enveloped me.

Something inside me exploded. My knees could no longer handle my weight and they collapsed beneath me. I closed my eyes..... biting my lip so that I wouldn't scream out in pain.

I opened my eyes to see river surrounded by black, dead trees. The river was blood red.

I saw someone watching me. I turned and saw a girl. She reminded me of an angel. She looked alot like me. In fact, we could almost be twins.

"Who are you?!" I yelled. She did the same at exactly the same time.

We both stopped......She looked at me scared. And I looked at her the same.

We were almost mirroring each others actions. Howeve as I thought this, the angelic girl stepped forward and said....

"Mikana, I am Meena. I am the one everyone used to know. When we were fused together, you, being the hollow, took over my whole body. We both lost our memories. When we fought Toshiro Hitsugaya, the moment he mentioned an important factor of my past, all my memories came flooding back! However, I have gained some new memories. Ones that aren't actually mine......they are yours! While I have been trapped by you, I have figured out why all this is happening and how it began! Remember this, and learn it well...............I will rise again! A time will also come when I will sacrifice myself. When this happens, you and I will both be destroyed. Only one has the power to do this. It is the only way!" And with that she turned and ran away through the dead trees......

I jolted awake. Gin was shaking my shoulders roughly......He was shouting at me to wake up.

I punched him in the jaw to get him off me. It did the trick. As I sat up, I saw him massaging his mouth. Aizen was grinning, but I was shaking.

What the hell? What just happened.

I stood up and ran out the room. I swurved around the corners of Las Noches. I was trying to figure a way out of this stupid palace. Nobody knew, but I would usually go out onto the deserts of Hueco Mundo and play with little Nel and her creepy friends. She was adorable. She also reminded me of someone small that I'm sure I used to know.

She was like my little sister. I protected her from everyone and everything.

I was on my way to find her when I bumped into someone. What was wrong with me? I can't go anywhere without bumping into someone.

To my discomfort for the second was Ulquiorra.

"Hey Ulqui!" I said wearily. I looked up to see him have an anime vein on his head.

"Why is it everytime I see you, we bump into each other?! And my name is NOT Ulqui!" He said in annoyance.

"Lighten up dude!" I glared at him.

He scowled at me and continued on his way. I flashstepped outside and ran towards the deserts.

*A few days later..... Orihime has been captured and Ichigo and Co. Have come to Hueco Mundo*

Meena/Mikana P.O.V

It had taken me a few days to reach them, but I finally did. Jeez, Hueco Mundo was flippn huge. I walked most of the way. I wanted to be on my own for a while, but after days of aimless wondering, I finally found Nel and her gang.

She saw me and her face lit up. She ran towards me screaming.

"Mika, Mika, Mika!! I missed you. Why don't you ever come and visit us!?" She asked, her lip trembling. Before I could answer she started crying. Tears and snot was flying everywhere. I prised her arms from around my legs and I picked her up.

"Silly Nel, I don't have time, I have boring work to do! Why are you crying? I could never forget about my little Nel! Maybe if you didn't wonder furthur away from Las Noches, it wouldn't be such a long time before I could see you!" I grinned. This automatically dried up her tears.

"Mika......Can we play a game?!" She asked me smiling. Her two dodgey friends that I can never remember the names of started nodding and pleading with her.

I sighed, but nodded.

We were about to start, when three spiritual pressures arose. I recognised two, but I couldn't tell whos! They definatly weren't Espada or who?

"I'm sorry lil Nel.....I have to go and stop some bad guys!" I promise to play later. She nodded her head and started a game of tag with her two friends......Nel was screaming in excitment whilst the other two chased her. I grinned at their excitement, but I saw Gin appear infront of me.

"Mikana. Return with me now! We have had three intruders and Aizen worries for you safety!" He said smirking a little at the end comment. I noticed the bruise I gave him a few days ago.

I grinned and said,

"Can't handle myself, aye? Remind me who gave you the bruise while they were in pain and still half asleep?" I pointed at the bruise. We both laughed and just before we disappeared I saw three figures running across the desert.....One with brown hair, one with bluish black hair.......and one whos hair I would recognise anywhere..............

A/N soz guys, I know that the past few chapters really suck! Im kinda having writers block.....If there is anything I can do to improve then please comment and tell me. If you written a story on here, then I'm sure you know how great it is to have someone comment and show interest...even if its good or bad things.....hope you all like it! :)

Double the Trouble! *Editing* Toshiro Fanfic xOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant