The Hamilton Estate

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Colby's POV:

Me, Sam, Kris, Celina, and Kat started recording. "What's up guys! It's Sam and Colby!" Sam shouted at the camera. "And today we are at the Hamilton Estate!" Everyone all cheered and clapped. 

Y/N's POV:

I was walking around when I saw five people in front of the house. "Yo! Mom! Look at this!" My mother walked in. "Yes, Y/N?" I pointed outside. "See those people? What are they doing?" She shrugged. My mother went downstairs and I saw one of them look at me.

Kris' POV:

I looked up at the window and saw a figure of a woman. "Oh my god!" I yelped as I backed up into Celina. "What? What?" They all asked while looking around. "I just saw a- sorry." I sniffed a bit. "I just saw the figure of a woman in that window!" I said as I pointed to the window. "Wasn't that Y/N's room?" Sam asked and Colby nodded. "Oh my god." I repeated, hugging Celina. 

Colby's POV:

Before David left us, he said one last thing. "Oh an' jus' so ya guys know, the Hamilton's are very protective over Y/N, so jus' don' piss 'er off." He said, then left. "K, then." I muttered, entering the house.

We started the investigation on the living room. "If any of the Hamilton's are with us, can you make this device go off?" Sam asked, pointing to the REM-POD. The REM-POD went off. "Who's with us?" I asked, looking around. 

Eliza's POV:

I touched the device the young men and women had. They all started freaking out. I quickly backed up. "Are you Y/N? Make the flashlight turn on if no, make the REM-POD go off if yes." I used as much energy as I could, turning the light on. "Are you Eliza?" I stepped toward what they called a 'REM-POD.'. "Is Y/N here with you." I stepped toward it again. "Is she in the room?" I looked around for a second then noticed her watching from a corner. "Come on, dear." She groaned but walked over. They then turned some box on which made a bunch of static noise. "HOLY FUCK!" Y/N shouted, her voice coming through the box. The children all jumped in surprise. "Language!" I heard Alexander yell, which also came out of the box. "Are you Y/N?" The blonde girl asked. "Yes ma'am. And also the coolest Hamilton!" My daughter said as her voice glitched through the little device.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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