Chapter 4 - Elias

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Elias shuffled down the hall and into the kitchen. On the large kitchen table were several plates of eggs, potatoes, bacon, sausage, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, toast, several sauces, and a large bottle of orange juice. Alex sat at the table, already gorging himself on eggs and toast, with several staff members joining him. 

The staff ate with them regularly, and were welcome to take home any leftovers. Some lived with their families, and some lived with them. This was usually because they simply didn’t have a home, or because it was just easier for them. Some were night workers and some worked early in the morning. They had enough rooms, so why not help out the staff that help them everyday? 

Alex looked up from his food and his eyes widened. Elias looked horrible. His hair was messy, he had large bags under his eyes that were probably tear stained, and his eyelids were drooping so much that you probably couldn’t see his pupils.

“Rough night?” Alex asked, grabbing a cup of orange juice. Elias simply nodded his head and slouched into his chair. He grabbed a plate and piled it with hashbrowns. One of the staff members unconsciously handed him ketchup and Elias thanked them quietly.

“I couldn’t sleep. There were a flock of seagulls outside my window all night.” Elias lied, feeling a bit guilty. He knew his brother wouldn’t judge him, but he would feel embarrassed telling him and everyone else at the table that he was up all night crying about how pathetic he was. 

Alex opened his mouth to respond but their father walked into the kitchen. He handed a pack of paper to Alex before walking around the table to hand one to Elias as well. On top of the paper were the words “Season 5, Episode 10 script”. Elias’ eyes widened. 

“I have to remember words?” Elias asked panickedly. His father turned back to him only for his eyes to widen as well. 

“What happened to you?” Elias’ father questioned wearily. He didn’t look like he had the best night either. 

“Couldn’t sleep.” Elias responded with a shrug. He tried to act like it was nothing but deep down it was bugging him that he was lying to his father. Though it happened almost every night he was usually better at hiding it. 

“No, you don’t have to remember words. This is just to kind of guid you with what's supposed to happen.” His father answered, still staring skeptically at Elias.

“I thought you already gave me a script?” Alex joined in, talking with a bunch of potatoes shoved in his mouth. 

“I did, but I made a few changes. I added Elias to a few parts specifically. Also, don’t talk with your mouthful.” Their father answered, pulling out a chair. Alex ducked his head down embarrassed and muttered a sorry. Elias scanned down the front page and was surprisingly interested. 

He’d never really followed through the plots or really watched any of the episodes. He had always just gone with what his brother said, which mostly revolved around him, so it was incredibly boring. He had never thought that there was an actual plot. Elias realized that this was going to be a lot harder than he realized.

He had one day. One day to remember the script, and then, boom, he was thrown in front of a camera. Elias groaned mentally, knowing that he would have a boring day. He took a few small bites of ketchup splattered potatoes before stalking up to his room. He could feel his brother's worried eyes on him, and he quickened up the stairs before his brother could get a word out.  

He lunged into his desk chair and it slightly rolled. He scooted back to his desk, setting the paper down and resting his head on his hands. He scanned through the script, reading through parts that involved him and things he should say. There really weren't any lines, just a few things like “Bobby finds footprint, Alex points out size.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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