The story behind the start

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~Bada Lee as your fellow crew member & lover~

y/n's POV:

As I was finishing up my makeup, about to grab my motorcycle keys to get to dance practice I got a call.
"Hello?" I asked as I answered, not having checked who the caller was.
"Baby~, when are you getting to practice?"
I smiled, realizing it was my girlfriend.
"I'm about to head there love. Are you there already?" I noticed music playing in the backround of the call, meaning she's probably practicing on her own already. I quickly added, "You shouldn't overwork yourself, wait for me. I'll be there soon." She simply lightly chuckled, thanked me and told me to hurry.

Outside the building I didn't notice any cars of the other crew members except for Bada's blue yamaha motorcycle.
Before I opened the door I saw Bada dancing to her new choreography to the song Smoke. She's simply the best choreographer known to mankind.
I sneaked in quietly, on one side trying not to interrupt her but also to secretly admire her.
She ended her choreo with turning around and mimicking turning on a lighter as she always does during this song. The thing is, I didn't think about the door being right in her sight when she turns around. She jumped, obviously startled by my presence. "When on earth did you get here!?" She seemed almost shocked. "Oh God, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you.." I made my way towards her and wrapped my hands around her, tightly squeezing her. "You did so good, you know I love that choreo the most right?" I whispered. "Thank you. And yes of course, you keep nagging me to do it."
We laughed, still hugging each other.

Suddenly, we heard the door open. Bada and I instantly separated, trying to make up a lie to explain what happened just now. I pointed towards her shoulder and wordlessly told her to follow my lead.
"Does it still hurt that badly?" This was the only thing I was able to get out. After some silence, she spoke up. "It's better already, let me just go to the bathroom for a second. Oh, hey Lusher! Please excuse me while I take care of my bruise."
Good save. I almost thought we'd get caught.
"Yeah sure. Is everything alright with her?" Lusher exclaimed worried.
"Yes don't worry. She just did the choreo too hard and hurt her shoulder a bit."
Off to a great start already. Not only am I panicking like crazy, but now Bada has to fake being hurt throughout practice.

Once everyone was there, we started practice by going through all our learned choreos again, and took a short break after. During the break, I would occasionally look over to Bada, trying to be discreet. We weren't really sitting close to each other, since she discussed some things with Lusher, and I sat next to Tatter. I somewhat listened to her rambling, actually lost in thoughts about my girlfriend.

It hasn't been long since we started dating. About three months now.
The story behind is actually quite absurd. I went on a usual evening walk near my house to just think and enjoy the cold breeze of air after a long day. I walked to a convenience store nearby to treat myself to something nice. I sat down inside, looking out to see the sky get darker within minutes. I come to this shop every now and then and I have never met any of the people I know. That's why I didn't put much effort into looking presentable, just having on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie with my hair put up. Well, someone came in and naturally I looked up, however who came in was in fact my long time crush who also happens to be in the same dance crew as me.
I immediately tried hiding as good as possible, laying on my arm facing away from her.
"No way, y/n? Is that you?"
Shit. How did she even recognize me?
"Oh hey Bada.. what's up?" I faced her and smiled awkwardly. I seriously tried sounding confident. I might have failed dramatically but it's the thought that counts right?
I noticed Bada suppressing a smile before answering. "You know, just getting a drink." She motioned to the empty chair next to me, asking if she could sit. I quickly grabbed my bag and jacket and told her she could sit down. "I have never seen you here, don't you live in Seoul?" I took a sip of my cocoa.
"I do, I was just here to visit some friends. I did know that you live in this area of Incheon and I was actually looking forward to meeting you." She, Bada Lee wanted to meet me after seeing her friends? Of course we hung out before, but never really alone. We would meet up with the crew and then be left alone due to everyone having plans. But we never just met alone. "Oh yes totally.. makes sense. Uh..." I couldn't find the right words and started saying incoherent ones instead.
"Sorry. Did I surprise you? That wasn't my intention." A small pause occurred and she looked into my eyes seriously.
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.. If that's okay with you?"
I started rethinking about anything happening during the last few practices and I couldn't seem to find any problem. I was feeling confident with my abilities currently.
"Always, did I mess up somewhere?"
She widened her beautiful hazel eyes and shook her hands in front of my face frantically. "Not at all. This doesn't have something to do with practice."

Once I finished my last bite of a slice of strawberry cake she asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with her while we talk. I was so anxious while we walked, thinking she found out about my secret crush on her. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize her going to hold my hand. I snapped out of my trance and looked down at our hands linked together. "It's freezing. Didn't you bring gloves? You have to dress appropriately in winter."
The warmth of her hand felt so nice, I can't explain the safeness I felt.
"Wait." She turned to me, took off her scarf and put it on me.
She then took my hand again and put it in her pocket. After a while of walking like this, she changed sides and did the same with my other hand.
We talked about some things about our upcoming performance and other stuff. "Let's go sit there and I'll tell you what I wanted to discuss." She dragged me to a bench in front of a playground with a few children still having fun on swings.
One of them looked at us and gave us the sweetest eye smile. I couldn't help but smile back. Looking over to Bada, I saw her giggling at the kid and waving.

"So.. what exactly did you want to talk about?"
She cleared her throat and sat up straight. She moved slightly closer to me and lightly brushed her thumb over the back of my now warmed hand.
"Y/n, do you remember how we met? You greeted everyone with a bar of chocolate. Even though you were too shy to properly talk to the members and me, you let us know that you're sincerely trying to bond.
I remember you standing all the way in the back of our practices, self-concious about how you were doing. I always thought you're so talented and deserve way more confidence. That's why I would give you compliments from time to time which I knew would give you strength. I loved how obviously happy you were to receive those compliments.
So, y/n, I don't know if you ever got my hints or if your constant looking over at me were hints of yours, but I just want to say that I really like you."
I was shocked to say the least. We honestly sat in silence for about three minutes before anyone spoke up. Her words repeated in my head thousands of times. I was trying to figure out if she just meant she likes me as a good friend. She broke the unbearable silence. "You don't have to answer now. Take your time, think about it. I only really badly needed to tell you because these feelings were eating me alive."
So she really does like me? I glanced away trying to form a reply. But instead I just spat out word after word, completely letting my vulnerable feelings out. I nearly started sobbing right then and there but I held back.
"Bada are you really serious? Because if this is some kind of joke I'll leave the crew and the country. I like you too.. I've liked you for ages. Please tell me you're not joking."
Bada looked at me, beamed and shook her head. "I'm very serious here. You're the first person I have ever felt this interested in. I just didn't have the guts to tell you before because I didn't think you were into women. But I finally found the courage and just had to. This whole 'meeting friends in Incheon' thing was a lie. I wanted to see you. I wanted to tell you everything."
I pulled her into a hug, maybe letting out a tear or two. "I really like you too." I repeated, quietly whispering into her shoulder.

We continued sitting and talked about everything from our meeting to our situation currently. It started snowing suddenly and Bada jumped up in excitement.
"Look! Our first snow this winter!" She pulled my arm and started running through the park with me. We enjoyed our time and that was the moment we both knew we would be lovers.


first part of a Bada fanfiction😱
I'm literally so in love with her it's not okay

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