Chapter 6: Dancing

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A few nights have passed, and there was a ball held in the ballroom of the castle. Maids were preparing Ariana into a formal dress.

She made her way to the ballroom after she was done getting ready. "Lady Ariana." Theo said. "Theo, I'm glad I found you." Ariana said. "You look... Great." Theo said blushing. "Thank you. You know... Even if you're my butler, you can speak casual to me all you want. I know that you feel uncomfortable when you try to be formal. Just be yourself, it's alright." Ariana said. "Really?" Theo asked. "Yeah, we're friends." Ariana said. "Ok. It's just that... If I don't act like a proper butler, I might go back being a trainee." Theo said. "Don't worry, that's my permanent order to you. Just call me Ariana." Ariana said. "Ok, Ariana. I'll be over there if you need me." Theo said pointing out. "Alright, thank you." Ariana said.

Ariana was walking around the room, trying to find her brothers. She spotted all of them sitting at a table.

She went over to them and they noticed right away that it was her. "Ariana, you look stunning." Wilfred said. "Absolutely beautiful." Edward said. "T-Thank you." Ariana said. "Have a seat." Roberto said pulling out a chair for her.

She sat down and noticed all the princes looking at her. "G-Good evening." Ariana said. "Don't you have anything to talk about?" Glenn asked. "Not on the top of my head." Ariana said. "I have an idea where all of us can get to know our little sister better at the same time." Roberto said. "What are you trying to say?" Joshua asked. "Why don't all of us take a vacation someplace?" Roberto asked. "That's absurd!" Keith exclaimed. "We can't just do a last minute thing." Joshua said. "Yes we could. He's right, we should take it easy and at the same time. We'll get to know Ariana better." Wilfred said. "Very well then..." Keith said. "What kind of place do you even like?" Glenn asked. "I always wanted to go camping with a group of people." Ariana said. "Camping it is!" Roberto said. "What do we take on a camping trip?" Edward asked. "I'll make a list tomorrow of what we should bring." Ariana said. "You're one step ahead. Good job little sister!" Roberto said. "It looks like the dancing is about to start." Keith said. "I call our little sister as my dance partner!" Roberto said. "No, this is the first time she's done this, and so I would lead her." Wilfred said. "I would like to accompany our younger sister to a dance." Edward said. "If she should dance with anyone, she deserves the best dancer." Keith said. "I'll be the one to do so." Joshua said. "Don't all of you already have your own dance partner?" Ariana asked. "You guys are fighting over her, and you call yourself mature?" Glenn asked. "Does Glenny-poo want to dance with our little sister?" Roberto asked teasingly. "I-I'm not trying to say that!" Glenn exclaimed. "I'll just dance... By myself." Ariana said. "How can you do that?" Roberto asked. "I'll just- Oh!" Ariana said and was interrupted when Wilfred grabbed her hand and pulled her on the dance floor. "No fair, Wills!" Roberto said.

He led her perfectly in dancing. "You weren't kidding. You're a pro at leading." Ariana said. He smiled. "I'm only trying to be a good older brother to you." Wilfred said. "T-Thank you for trying to do that for me." Ariana said. "It's in my honor." Wilfred said.

After she was done dancing with Wilfred, he passed her over to Edward. "It's nice to dance with you, Ariana." Edward said offering his hand. She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. He danced with her gracefully. "You're the most beautiful out of every woman in this room." Edward said. "T-Thank you." Ariana said. "I'm glad that you became part of the family." Edward said. She smiled.

After the dance was over, Edward passed her over to Roberto. "Well. Well. If it isn't my adorable little sister." Roberto said. "Prince Roberto." Ariana said. "No, it's big brother to you." Roberto said. "You want me to call you that?" Ariana asked. "I would like to hear you say it." Roberto said. "B-Big brother." Ariana said. "That's... So cute!" Roberto said and laughed. She blushed and he led her to the dance floor.

After he was done, he passed her to Keith. "She's all yours, Keithster." Roberto said. "I swear... If he doesn't stop with those ridiculous names..." Keith said. He looked at Ariana and held out his arm to her. "What are you waiting for?" Keith asked. "S-Sorry..." Ariana said and held her arm.

They started dancing with each other. "No need to be so tense." Keith said. "S-Sorry..." Ariana said. He sighed. "You don't need to be scared of me." Keith said. "It's not that I'm scared. It's just that... I don't think you really want to do this." Ariana said. "What are you talking about? Of course I'll be willing to do this." Keith said. "Really?" Ariana asked. "Y-You're family now." Keith said. "Oh..." Ariana said blushing. "Family..." Ariana thought.

 After the dance, he passed her over to Joshua. He gave her a smile. "Would you like to dance?" Joshua asked. "Sure." Ariana answered and shortly after, he led her into dancing. "There's a rule." Joshua said. "What rule are you talking about?" Ariana asked. "Since you're part of the family now, you have to learn the manners and procedures to the royal household, but most importantly... We older brothers have to know everything about our younger sister." Joshua said. "O-Ok... I'll tell you things about me little by little." Ariana said. "Good." Joshua answered.

After the dance was over, it was down to the last dance. Joshua passed Ariana over to Glenn. "Are you tired of dancing by now?" Glenn asked. "It's ok. This will be the last one." Ariana said. "Ok, just don't overwhelm yourself." Glenn said and led her to the dance floor. He firmly held her hands and started to dance. "I wanted to ask... Since you're the youngest excluding Alan, were you happy that you were older than me?" Ariana asked. "You still remember that?" Glenn asked. "Sorry, I have a good memory." Ariana said. "I guess you could say I was." Glenn said. "I never knew what it felt like to be the youngest, considering I was always the oldest. So far, I think all of you are wonderful older brothers." Ariana said. He turned away, blushing.

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