Brimstone from Boston Part 1

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She slammed the book down onto the table,

"I reread the incantation three times! Why isn't it working?!" She paced anxiously, her frustration palpable.

" The other guys aren't going to believe me if I have nothing to show for all this effort. Dammit! " She laid on her bed, curled up facing away from the table and the supplies scattered across it. A modest sized summoning circle was drawn near the table, the circle was etched in white chalk and framed by twelve small red candles.

Turned away as she was, she failed to notice the candles had begun to flicker, their flames dancing amidst a breeze that seemed to originate from everywhere and nowhere at once. Only once the pages of her gromoire began flipping rapidly did she roll over and take notice.

"Holy crap, is it working?!" The twelve candles suddenly extinguished, leaving only the dim candle on the nightstand next to her bed as a beacon of comfort. She quickly grabbed the small candle and moved towards the circle. She squinted. Was there something, or someone, standing in the middle of the cirle?!

She moved to the edge of the circle but was careful not to smudge the chalk or step into the circle itself. She blinked rapidly, waiting for something, anything, to transport itself into her world. Just as she was about to lay back down in defeat and boredom, a pair of the brightest blue eyes she'd ever seen stared into her soul.

"Hey sweet cheeks. Sorry I'm late." She screamed, throwing the nearest object she could find at the... creature who stood in the middle of the summon circle.

"Oww! What the hell is your problem lady?! You called ME here, remember? And stop throwing your grimoire around like used tissue. It's a powerful artifact." Thankfully the grimoire bounced off his head and landed outside the circle. Grumbling, the creature continued,

"Aren't you gonna introduce yourself? My name's Scout."

She held a finger to her lips,

" Don't you know you're NEVER supposed to give your true name to a human?! Or vice versa. Just call me Pyro. " He snorted,

" What kinda name is that? You one of those fire demons tryin' disguise as a human? I heard they're real feisty! You wanna have it out after you let me outta this circle?" She grabbed a spare candle and lit it, holding aloft so they could get a better look at one another.

" What? No. I just like fire that's all. Got a problem shrimp? "

He stamped his foot, a long, soft tipped tail lashing out behind him in indignation,

" I got size where it counts! Besides, it costs less energy for me to be summoned if I change my size first. " He gave her a smug look from inside the circle,

" Not that a measly human like you would know about that. Where'd you get that grimoire from anyway?"

" Family heirloom."

" Likely story. Look lady, you gonna let me outta here or not? I could really use a bathroom break too. Please?" He looked visibly uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot as she watched.

" Yes you can come out, just promise you won't murder me? " A wicked grin showcased pointy teeth,

" Not a chance. I might be an Incubus, but I'm no brute. " With that she dashed the chalkline of the circle and he gingerly stepped out, visibly relaxing as he realized the floor wasn't about to open up and swallow him.

" Bathroom's down the hall. Can you make yourself as small as a cat? "

" Shouldn't be too hard. Whatcha got in mind? "

" I'll smuggle you in my backpack so no one asks questions. "

" Alright. Give me a minute. " He stepped away from her as a pale orange glow enveloped him. Closing his eyes, he appeared to concentrate for several seconds, his mouth moving with unspoken words. She blinked, but he was gone.

" Down here sweet cheeks. " she glanced at her shoes, to see a smaller version of him gazing up at her. She gingerly scooped him into her arms,

" Ya know your boobs look even bigger-"

" Shut. Up. " she placed him in the backpack that sat next to her bed.

" Hey! I can't see in here! Why do you have so many BOOKS in here?! " She lightly slid the back onto her back,

" Keep quiet, we're about to leave my room. " she grabbed the key by the door, quietly shutting and locking it behind them. He mercifully made no further comments as she swiftly made her way to the bathroom and stepped inside, locking the door behind her.

She unzipped her backpack and he tumbled out, a bit disheveled but no worse for wear. He dusted himself off and she made to leave,

"Just knock on the door when you're done and I'll come get you." He nodded as she left and waited across the hall from the door. A faint orange glow could be seen under the door, and a moment later she heard the lock turn.

She laid her bag next to her as she sat down and waited. She let out a sigh,

"What have I got myself into?"

Scout x Fem Pyro DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now