Forgotten Flings

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* Flashbacks*

Being one of the Marauders has you signing up for way too many visits to the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts.  Whether it is for a prank gone wrong, getting hexed for bullying bullies (James had found out about a group of sixth and seventh years who were getting way too interested in the Dark Arts and had started practicing them on first years), falling off brooms, getting hit by Bludgers or a lot of other reasons. So, whenever Madam Pomfrey was busy fixing us up, I would pay attention and learn all I could from her, what potions, spells, charms or even counter curses to use for injuries and magical maladies. 

This had also proved to be incredibly useful after our fifth year when we had all become illegal animagi and begun having little adventures on every full moon.  It would have been pretty difficult to explain to Poppy how we had all ended up with cuts and bruises with Remus, so instead of going to the hospital wing, I used to heal the four of us.
That is also when I realised that loved the job.


The next morning, I woke up to Sirius' arm draped over me and my leg over his. My heartbeats immediately pick up their pace. Jeez.

A second knock pulls me back to earth, I carefully detach myself and groggily go down the stairs with a raging bedhead and saliva stains running down the corners of my lips. Opening the door, I am met with the unbelievably well-groomed appearance of Connor, my-well, my current fling, I guess? I don't quite know...He does come to pick me up and drop me off to work every morning since last week, and he has stayed over a lot of times, so that does make us something, I suppose. But right now, I am more focused on trying to remember his first name, because since a certain someone had unexpectedly shown up at my door last night turning my life quite upside-down, and making me forget this guy ever existed.

"Why aren't you ready?", his face is full of annoyance at my appearance. I suppress the urge to roll my eyes, "I can't go to work today.", is all I can offer him. His face scrunches up in suspicion. I swear to Rowena, the guy is getting more annoying by the second, "And why n-".
"Bye, Connor.", I shut the door in his face. 

Dusting my hands, I turn to see Sirius on top of the staircase, leaning against the banisters with his eyes narrowed. He looks considerably less tired than last night, but gaunt and weak as ever. It gives me no end of pleasure to notice the bedhead (sexy as fuck) and saliva stains he was sporting, He slept well.
I quirk an eyebrow, "Why are you up? Get back in bed, you need lots of rest."

He ignores me," Who was that?"

"Get back in bed, Siri."

"Are these his pants? Why do you have his sweatpants in your closet? "

I sigh, "He's a guy I've been seeing recently. No, the pants are of the guy I was seeing last month, but it's really none of your business...or are you jealous?", I give him a gist of the situation and then a sly grin.

The guy doesn't bat an eyelash as he says, with a typical 'duh' expression on his face, "Well, yeah?! I haven't gotten this much attention from you for more than a decade; how dare he waltz up to your door and demand a share?"
The dumbass doesn't realise how many butterflies he just released into my stomach, "Shut up and go to bed, Sirius, and I'll bring you breakfast in bed." 
He pouts, "Only if you eat with me, love.".
I shrug, "I'm staying at home, until you recover, anyways." 
Love. He said love.                                                                               

We're sitting on his bed, eating breakfast from a tray on his lap.
"You really don't have to stay home and look after me, Eve, I'll be oka-"
"Shut Up, Pads."
"No, really I-"
"Shut Up."
He glares at me indignantly, "Hey, you can't tell me to sh-"
"Shut Up. I'm staying home to keep an eye on you, so you don't disappear again.",  I  pat his arm, and he presses his lips together, rolling his eyes at me.

But he grows serious after a while and says,
"I need to go after Peter, Eve.", both our expressions darken at the mention of the rat's name.
"I know, love. But, you need at least, a couple of months to recover and hide from the ministry, it's not safe right now. They have tracked you pretty closely, we need to throw them off.", I say worriedly.       
His expression grows restless and I see traces of Azkaban lingering in his mind. 
"Hey, It's okay, love, look at me. The rat wouldn't dare harm Harry under Dumbledore's nose. The semester's just begun, we'll still have enough time to sneak in and catch him even if we wait a few months.", I hold his hand and give him, what I hope, is a soothing smile.

He looks at me in silence for a few moments and then pressing my hand he says, "Eve?"


"You're my best friend."

HEALER (postAzkaban! Sirius Black X OC)Where stories live. Discover now