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Y/N had noticed now and then the small touches she would receive from Sportacus wether it was him praising her helpfulness or her good deeds he always had to touch her even if it was a small squeeze of the arm or a shoulder pat he couldn't go at least a few hours without some sort of physical contact from the woman.

It was hot as usual in lazy town YN sat on a bench observing the kids playing making sure they were alright when she noticed that Ziggy had hit the ball to hard sending it flying over the wall into the bushes she stood up as she noticed Ziggy growing emotional over the fact he had ruined their game Y/N wasted no time in comforting the young boy,

"Don't worry Ziggy I'll get it your game will be saved." Y/N reassured the young boy who sniffled as she sent him a reassuring smile before heading towards the bushes hearing the children follow she noticed the ball was between a bush and some stinging nettles she frowned,

"I'll grab it!" She heard Stephanie exclaim stepping forward Y/N paused holding her arm out to stop the pink haired girl "it's fine, I'll grab it." Stephanie tried to argue but Y/N was already stepping towards the bushes her hand reaching into the nettles wincing as she held back any yells of pain as she managed to tug out the ball holding it as she noticed the little stings and blood from the sharp nettles and thorns luckily the ball hadn't popped,

The kids exclaimed in enjoyment before Y/N could hand it over the ball was swiped from her grasp she looked noticing Robbie Rotten her eyes sharpened "give me the ball back Rotten." She hissed holding her stinging hand out Robbie just laughed "you want it so bad?" He questioned as she crossed her arms the kids fell quiet unsure of what was to come,

Before Y/N could even process what was happening Robbie had chucked the ball up into the air into a tree as he laughed loudly "go grab it!" He chuckled as Y/N could feel her eye twitch in annoyance her eyes shifted to the kids who frowned upset she felt her heart ache and knew what she had to do she shoved past Robbie hitting him harshly with her shoulder sending the tall lanky man stumbling back.

Before Y/N knew it she was climbing the tree her boot pushing herself up as she grasped the first tree branch ignoring her aching hands as she spotted the ball growing closer in her view until she had reached the tops she could briefly spot the kids crowded around the base of the tree muttering to themselves as they watched her, Y/N let out a puff of air before her finger tips managed to nudge the ball back down to the ground she spotted Trixie grab the ball so it didn't roll away.

Here comes the problem Y/N hadn't thought of how to get down before climbing up she had completely forgotten of the danger she was possibly could get in when she acted out of instinct to help the kids her eyes shifted downwards to Robbie who cackled to himself loudly before running back to his little house underground,

"Y/N come down!!" She heard Ziggy yell she grimaced her fingers finding themselves gripping the branches above her so she didn't fall to her complete death "uh- I don't know-" Y/N yelled back down swallowing nervously as she glanced around trying to figure a safe way down "are you scared!?" Stingy questioned her his arms crossed "No-... maybe." Y/N mumbled to herself her boot shifted trying to nudge the bottom branch to see if it was stable enough for her to step down onto but it just cracked hitting the ground she grimaced "I'm gonna get sportacus!" Stephanie exclaimed and Y/N felt herself grow annoyed "we don't need sportacus!- I'll get down!" She yelled but it seemed Stephanie had already made her mind up as she rushed off leaving the group.

Y/N now felt determined to get down and to prove Stephanie wrong her body shifted itself round to another branch that seemed stable enough but as she pressed her boot on it the branch started to move shaking and she yelled out in protest as it hit the ground barely dodging Ziggy "sorry Zig!" Y/N yelled out feeling bad as Ziggy just gave her a thumbs up when she heard a voice approach and footsteps.

"She's here sportacus!" Stephanie exclaimed reaching the tree as Sportacus rushed over his eyes full of panic as he looked up spotting the woman up in the tree grasping the tree for dear life "don't worry y/N I'll get you down!" He didn't take notice of Y/N's slight sigh but took notice of no protest following his statement he quickly found himself climbing the tree with ease reaching her his hand reaching out to her "I could of done that." He heard her mutter as she grasped his hand as he gently tugged her to his side sliding back down the tree.

As they reached the bottom Y/N couldn't help but feel annoyance and embarrassment from her past position yet the kids cheered and clapped their hands praising the woman for helping them with their ball yet Sportacus didn't shift his hands off her waist or move his body from against her back she let out an awkward cough as she lightly patted his hands trying to signal that he could let go but in return his fingers tightened and she winced knowing full well there was going to be a bruise there later.

"ég mun aldrei sleppa þér aftur úr augsýn minni." He spoke his voice seemed to be deeper and his gaze seemed to be in the distance "what?-" Y/N murmured confused as she noticed the kids taking no notice as they began playing once again "what's up with sportacus!?" Stephanie asked confused as she rocked on the heels of her feet confused "no clue." Y/N spoke still trying to tug from his tight grip on her body "sportacus!!!" Stephanie yelled.

Sportacus jolted his fingers immediately loosening around Y/N as his eyes shifted down to her before he pulled back grinning "ah- my apologies I was just caught up in the moment!" Sportacus spoke waving a hand as she sent Stephanie a reassuring grin before his eyes flickered back to the woman by his side "are you okay darling?" He spoke her eyes shifted to him suprised at the nickname as she shrugged "eh im fine." Yet she still noticed his hand holding her wrist but she didn't bother to brush it off,

He nodded as he rubbed her wrist with his thumb sending the woman a grin "that's good!-" Before he could even say another word his Crystal went off Stephanie groaned as Sportacus sighed "the mayor needs me! See you all later!!" Sportacus squeezed Y/N's wrist lightly before dropping it as he quickly flipped away towards the Mayor, Stephanie's attention turned to Y/N "he likes you~" she teased the woman "what!- no he's just helping a citizen!!" She argued back "he's never helped me like that before!" They looked only noticing Bettie there only Y/N rolled her eyes heading off.
(HIII SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONGGG BUT IM BACK WITH NEW IDEAS HAHA! How would you guys feel about a Yandere sportacus?? Let me know!!) -your author mom kit.


"ég mun aldrei sleppa þér aftur úr augsýn minni." - "I will never let you out of my sight again."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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