t h i r t y f i v e

Comenzar desde el principio

"How can I say no to such an amazing offer?" I said and, forgetting my promise to myself, almost kissed him.

It would have happened, the kiss, if Buggy hadn't turned his head to the side. For a moment, I was hurt. Then I felt like an idiot. This is what I wanted.

"Betty, you don't want that, remember?"

I awkwardly cleared my throat. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I was caught up in the moment."

My face was probably a brighter red than it had ever been before. Buggy gave me an awkward smile and just told me to not worry about it.

The next morning, after we'd gotten dressed and he had packed a bag, he had broken the news to his crew. A part of me worried they'd take it bad, but they seemed alright. Buggy had just said that we needed supplies. We would grab them.

The fewer people who went, the easier grabbing the couple of things would be. Some people didn't seem to believe him, but nobody said anything. That was a win in my mind.

We got into the rowing boat, were dropped into the water and off we rowed.

The sky was a murky grey, filled with storm clouds. It was foggy, too. It was hard to see ahead of us.

"Are you sure we'll get there okay?" I asked, feeling a little unsure.

Buggy gave me a condescending smile. "I've been a pirate since I was a kid. I can row to an island alright. Have faith, Betty."

"I'll try, but if we end up lost then -"

"Then what?" He asked in a mocking voice. "What could you possibly do to me? I'm the greatest pirate in the East Blue."

"Yes, and you can't swim. If you haven't noticed, we're surrounded by ocean. It'd be pretty easy to push you in."

He scowled at me. "I'd take you with me."

"Is that so?"

Buggy tilted his head to the side. "That is so. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going to get us lost."

I smiled to myself like an idiot. What me and Buggy had going on right now was great. He was nice and friendly to me, but it wasn't crossing any lines. It was perfect.

For a while, we rowed in silence, until Buggy spoke up suddenly. "Are you cold?"

I was. I hadn't even noticed that. Somehow he could always notice things like that about me. I knew what he was going to do if I said yes, so I lied.

"I'm fine -"

"You're not. Here," He said as he peeled his jacket off himself, holding it out for me. "Take it."

"But then you'll be cold. You already gave me it in the jungle, you deserve it this time."

Suddenly, he sprung up to his feet. This motion caused the boat to sway from side to side, which almost gave me a heart attack.


"Be careful, Buggy, you can't swim -"

"I thought you said you'd be happy pushing me over. Why so worried about me now?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not jumping in after you if you do fall."

He leaned forward, so his face was about an inch or two away from me. Grinning he said, "You'd dive in straight after me. I know it."

"Would not."

I knew he was right. I wouldn't even hesitate to jump in after him. I was a good swimmer, anyway. I'd jump in, grab him and pull him to the surface. The only part I'd have a problem with would be getting him back on the boat.

"Anyway, the reason I stood up is to make my point," He stated, stretching his hand that was holding the jacket out, until the jacket hung over the water. "Take the jacket or it's getting dropped into the ocean."

I grinned at that. "That's so stupid."

"Maybe. But what would be even more stupid would be letting both of us go cold instead of just me."

"You're so dramatic."

"I'm a clown, baby. We're a dramatic bunch. So, what do you say?"

I gave in, held my hand out for the jacket. He handed it over, smiling proudly that he'd won.

"The first thing I'm getting on this shopping spree is a jacket. That way, you can keep yours."

Buggy considered for a moment. "That makes me a bit sad. You look so cute in my jacket."


I was literally smiling like an idiot writing this, I'm loving writing flirty buggy!

reads: 34.9
Published 11th October 2023

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