t h i r t y f i v e

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The next three weeks went by in a flash. Not much of importance really happened. Each morning, I'd awake in Buggy's strong arms. There had been a couple of times where I'd wanted to kiss him, but I had remained strong. We hadn't done anything other than cuddling and talking.

He had been taking good care of me. It was him who would wash my wound, redress it, too. He would make sure that I ate enough, slept enough and that I wasn't straining myself too much. Still, I helped with the navigation since they needed me for that.

I'd go to the navigation room, help out Arlene with the route. Then, I'd hang out with Dilly and sometimes other clowns. I was trying to do everything in my power to make them like me.

The more they liked me, the less likely they were to usurp Buggy, I thought. Buggy had done what I had told him he should do. In front of his crew, he treated me like dirt.

It hurt, at times. But it was necessary. One night, as we were laying in bed, cuddling, he had brought up an idea.

"You know, maybe I should get you some of your own stuff."

I raised my head, which was laying against his chest, so that I met his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're going to be with us for at least a couple of more months. You've been wearing my clothes. Wouldn't you like some of your own?"

Truth was, I liked wearing Buggy's clothes. They smelled so strongly of him. His smell was indescribable. Sometimes, when I was alone, I would raise whatever shirt he had lent me to my nose and snif it.

That made me feel shame. I shouldn't do things like that - it was pathetic. It was also fanning the flames of my feelings for him.

"Where would you get clothes for me?"

I was hoping he wouldn't suggest trying to take clothes from other clowns. I doubted they'd like that suggestion.

"When we were in the maps room today, I noticed we're quite near a town. We could stop off, get you some clothes and other things."

My heart dropped at that. If we stopped at a town, that meant pillaging and carnage. As much as I liked the idea of shopping, I knew in reality it would be theft.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "That's really sweet of you to suggest, but..."

Now his eyebrows were tightly together. "What? Spit it out, Boop."

That nickname made my heart do a somersault.

"I don't want anyone getting hurt."

His arms tightened their grip around me. "Says who anybody would get hurt?"

"Your clowns would definitely kill at least one person. I don't think I can live with that on my conscience."

Buggy sighed and went silent for a while. I felt pretty guilty. What he had suggested had been a nice idea. He had meant well. But I couldn't let someone get hurt because of me.

Finally, after what felt like forever, he spoke again. "How about if it was just us two?"

I looked into his eyes again. "Just...us?"

"We could just take one of the rowing boats. The town is close enough. We could row there in three hours tops."

I smiled at that. "And you wouldn't hurt anyone?"

"Believe it or not, I am capable of that." He was stroking my hair now, so gently. Motions like that made me feel weak. His lips were curling up into a small smile. "So what do you? Will you let me take you on a shopping spree."

Crazy In Love | Buggy Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя