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after the party thei home now

Izzy-I heard noah and cody fucked at the party

Heather-THEY WHAT???

Duncan-woah pretty gay

Court+Gwen- shut up no one was talkingt to u Dumbcan

Noah-no we didnt


Cody- nvm

(cody has gone offline)

Izzy-then why could i hear cody moan outside the room?

Everyone- WTF

(Noah has gone offline)

Heather-it seems like im gonna murder someone tonight


Cody pov

i felt so embared that they knew i didnt even know how izzy found but i sudenly heard a know on my door and it was noah!
"how are u feeling" "my legs hurt a shit tone" "you couldnt resist my body ig" noah winked at me and i started to blush like if i was a tomato
Sorry that this is short its just that ive been dealing with some problems and i dont rlly have the energy to write but ill update whenever i can!

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