Chapter 1

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Genevieve, a 14 year old girl walks about the streets of her city one early morning. She's seen on the news how the destruction of nearby systems has left many to become refugees. The planet Akwamaryn was destroyed, leaving nothing behind, or so it was reported. The technology of their world had been scattered across the galaxy. Everyone was made to believe it was destroyed with the planet, however, the metals it was made from are nearly indestructible. Genevieve herself has a charm on a necklace made from that metal.

But today, she enjoys her early morning walk. Fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, all without presence in her mind. Her city, and world, is entirely safe of any kind of threat. The ideal living environment for any child. Her feet move through the shallow snow, the cold wind freezing her face. Her left hand, which is in the pocket of her thick coat, holds onto a folded paper. She stops at the entrance of a large building, a facility used mostly for sciences and inventing new technology. The guards give her a wave and a smile, but not moving an inch away from their posts. Genevieve takes the paper out of her pocket, reading over it one last time. Big bold letters at the top reading "Donor Application". She folds it back up, opens a slot on the outside of the building, and drops it in.

On her walk home she gives a silent quick thought of hope that she might be the one chosen. The offer to become a donor was given to anyone in the city, as long as they're between the ages of 10 and 25. So being 14 herself, she feels very happy and hopeful about having a shot. She returns home, to which her mom is up early making breakfast for the family. Her dad and brother play a video game together, each with a virtual reality headset on. While her older sister of 16 sits on the couch, a small tablet in her hands as she watches the game the others are enjoying.

"Hiya sis!" Genevieve says as she jumps onto the couch beside her. "I turned in my application today! I hope they'll pick me!"

"Wow, congrats for you sweetie" her mom chimes in. "Have you ever found out what the donor spot is for? Everyone assumes it's a program to donate blood or something like that."

"The application didn't say anything, just basic details asking for my age and health" Genevieve replies.

"What about the cold you had last week? You didn't mention that in the application" her sister says.

"You weren't there to see me fill it in sis" Genevieve replies, sticking her tongue out at her.

"I hope they don't choose you. You're too much of a brat" she tells her.

"Be nice to your sister and apologize Castellia" her mom says, turning away from the counter to face her.

Castellia looks to her mom, who stares over at her. "Yes mother...I'm sorry for calling you a brat Genevieve. I hope you get picked."

"Thank you sis" she says, giving her sister a quick hug. "So, who's winning?"

"Dad is, obviously," Castellia answers, partially rolling her eyes as she says it.

"Alright boys, wrap it up, breakfast is ready" their mom says.

Genevieve gives Castellia a glance, before they both sprint for the table. Genevieve steals the best spot of the table, a seat at the back in the middle of the bench. Castellia jabs her side lightly and frowns as she sits next to her. Their mom brings the food to the table and they all eat.

In their city, and across the world, a lot of rules were put in place to ensure everyone's safety. Most of them were to protect their lives in case an enemy attacked at night. But there are set times to eat and cook, set times to go to stay indoors for the evening, and set times where you must go to sleep and wake up. Despite having these rules, Genevieve still goes out for a morning walk. She knows the streets are safe, so even if the rules aren't enforced, there's no danger to be scared of.

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