"You'll need to see this."

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Damaris's POV:

As I'm walking to the school cafeteria me and A-£€ used to walk together to, a little girl I recognize as A's sister robyn."Uhm..You'll need to see this." she says confusing me.Robyn hands it to me and I then realize it's a box wrapped in red.

Robyn hands it to me and I then realize it's a box wrapped in red

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A's favorite color..

God I miss her so much.

I end up studying the box so much that by the time I look up to say thanks she's gone.
Hm.maybe she was nervous I mean she is the shy type?
But I wonder what's inside it..
I've got to get to the cafeteria to meet with my freinds.

"Hey guys."

"You'll need to see this."

✨what's inside the box?! Oh u prob already know but should I continue this suicide massacre?✨

Btw this story is to vent and get awareness of depression,adhd,anxiety,and abuse.

If any of those trigger you,don't read my shit.sorry not sorry.
Also if you are struggling with copping I suggest maybe just a bang with your head on the desk?I don't suggest hurting yourself but if it's and urge just do that at most,it works for me.<3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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