Was he not technically the same man now?

    (The answer was that Ada didn't know.)

    "You alright if I go over there, Colin?" She asked him, tone rushed.

    The boy's answer of no came in the strengthening of his grip around her hand.

   "Stop messing with Nate!"

   Roy's voice was as gruff as it always was, but there seemed to be a sense of empowerment layering his words. As though he'd had some sort of revelation in the short time between putting his niece to bed and marching in here like a raging hurricane.

   Ada watched as her brother stiffened. He clearly hadn't thought there would be any consequences to his actions. That he'd be facing repercussions for not only tormenting Nate, but also disregarding Roy's demands to stop.

    From beside Jamie, Keeley's posture was also rigid. But more out of shock than fear.

   "Now, I don't know which one of you I nutted 'cause I don't see so well at night anymore, but that goes for all of you!"

   He faced all the players in the room, and then turned his head to where he left Colin. The boy was now leaning against the bar.

Roy was surprised to see Ada stood at his side for extra support.

   (Had she not bid him goodnight? Had she not said that she was tired? That she couldn't wait to go to sleep as soon as he dropped her off? That, like Phoebe, she felt the oncoming crash which typically followed a major sugar high? What was she doing here, then? And with Colin?)

   Roy had to blink a few times to make sure that it was actually her. The dark didn't help his poor eyesight, and neither did the drink which he blindly took a swallow from.

    He glanced at the bottle in his hand and scoffed at the label. "Vanilla vodka." He read out condescendingly, shaking his head at Jamie. "Such a child."

     And with that he was storming out the way the he stormed in, only slowing down to briefly nod at a seething Ada.



     It was curious, how quickly things could go from good to bad. Fast aging cheese, the environment, the Godfather trilogy, her fucking career. And now add to the list her opinion of Roy Kent, which managed to better and then regress all in the same day.

     Ada glanced at her brother. He was quiet where he would usually be mocking Roy's dramatics. Stiff where he would usually lounge like a greedy king at court. Eyes on the door rather than ogling at his girlfriend's chest as he'd been doing the whole night.

     She patted Colin on the back and went to approach Jamie. The music was still blaring loudly. It seemed like nobody outside of the VIP section was aware of what had just taken place – which Ada was beyond glad for. The last thing she needed was a tabloid catching wind of this.

     "I got the vanilla shit for you." He said when she was close enough to hear.

Ada blinked, allowing for a silence to be born before finally speaking.

    "Are you trying to blame me for something?"

    Jamie huffed. "Did I say I fucking blamed you? I'm just saying that I'm not a child, you are. That stupid vodka is your favourite."

He was insecure, Ada could tell. His voice was rough, holding back a flood of emotion and instead allowing for a single stream to pour out. Unfortunately, he chose a stream which Ada was not willing to swim in or drink from.

She's the Man / Roy KentWhere stories live. Discover now