First Chapter

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First chapter


Takemichi pov

"I didn't save her." repeated the voices in my mind for the thousand time,

"I didn't save her and she was right there in front of me".It was like a curse,one that i could only wish to escape for even a second before it pulled me right back within its grasp.

"..Want some tea?" Naoto hesitantly asked now that we were back at his apartment

"Not thirsty." I replied harshly.

Truthfully,he didn't deserve that,he had also just lost his sister again,we had been hopeful it would work this time...we had been oblivious.

"We will have to be more care-

Takemichi?..Are you okay?.."

I stood up decisively,reaching out my hand towards him,i looked up

"Shake it." I demanded,if there were tears in my eyes,I didn't notice "Shake it so I can go back and save them,please." i asked,maybe pleaded even.Naoto shook his head

"We need more information,we can't just go into this blind,that has become increasingly obvious,Takemitchi." he scolded,awkwardly,I leaned back and retrieved my hand,he was right,it had become obvious.I sighed.

"Fine,have you figured anything else about Toman?" I asked,hoping the answer would be positive so we could speed through this and time travel already.

"Yes,yes I have actually" he replied,seeming proud of himself,jeez,what a dork.

"I did some research,about Mikey in specific,and i discovered he had a wife-


Naoto flinched and cover his ears

"I said he had a wife!And stop yelling you dimwit,the neighbors already think I'm weird and paranoid for researching Toman so much." he complained,I apologized and calmed myself down,Mikey-kun having a wife...honestly,i saw him being single forever,living with Draken and Emma chan,but..marriage? Doesn't really sound like Mikey,but good for him I guess,although I still didn't understand why Naoto brought it up.

"But what does that have to do with Toman?I mean,wouldn't having a partner keep him away from delinquent shenanigans?" Naoto sighed

"That's the thing,his wife was also in Toman" he explained calmly,so much so that i was sure he could only be joking..right?

"His..wife was in Toman?You sure?"

"Yes,i'm positive" he replied

".....So are you really-

"YES REALLY GODDAMNIT,DO YOU HAVE A HEARING IMPEDIMENT I'M UNAWARE OF?!" He shouted,i scratched the back of my neck,correcting my posture in my chair

"Okay okay!My bad" I conceded "Alright,so she was in Toman,but i haven't seen any girls other than Emma chan in Toman,and she's obsessed with Draken" I emphasized

"Good,so you can still prevent them from meeting" Naoto sighed in relief "Her name is Himary Sakura." He said,handing me a picture,the girl was a bit shorter than Mikey,which was impressive honestly,round jaw,short dark brown hair, and cold eyes.

I looked up from the photo "So, she's currently in Toman,right?"

"Oh,she's dead,now put on your shoes,we're going to visit Draken in prison" he announced calmly,my jaw twitched

"P-pardon me?"

"I said we're going to visit Draken in prison in order to get more answers,now hurry up" he repeated,getting increasingly frustrated

"O-okay i'm coming,jeez...wait.."

"What now-




"Takemichi" Naoto smiled,oh fuck


"Get in the damn car before i get my police license removed"

I swallowed "Re-removed for what exactly?"

"Do you actually want to know?

"No sir"

Demonic eyes and Taiyakiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن